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English citations of plix

English citations of plx

English citations of plox

  • 2008: “neithskye”, alt.games.warcraft (Google group): Moar Bag Space Plox Kthnx, the 7th day of November at 4:25pm (discussion title)
    Moar Bag Space Plox Kthnx
  • 2008, "AnoNotAmused", Re: Reading Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard does ~not~ make one an expert on Scientology! (on newsgroup alt.religion.scientology)
    Plox gief monies nao! I haz seekrit to the Univerze and only I haz it! Send email for deetails...
  • 2011, "Craig Coope", Pipkin, Willow, Bigwig, F(e)iver 22082011 (on newsgroup uk.games.video.misc)
    I've once seen titties at a 4 but it took me a long time to find these. Plox tell me where to find them shortly in the future.....

English citations of pl0x