English citations of permiss
- 1838 - "...administering one [obscured] against another, to reduce us to a permiss; where they were too remiss..." - John Milton - The Prose Works of John Milton - Page 137
- 1891 - "Though afraid of the charge of pedantry an sumption in venturing to quote a legal authority, I must ask permiss refer to the observations..." - Great Britain. Parliament, Hansard's Parliamentary Debates
- 1911 - "Permiss could doubtless be obtained in all ordinary cases. I submit the matter to you for such consideration and direction..." - William Gibbs McAdoo, Oscar S. Straus, Mayer Sulzberger, Louis Marshall, Termination of the Treaty of 1832 Between the United States and Russia - Page 142
- 1913 - "Tenants must obtain permiss to raise crops other than that so determined, to raise stock their personal use, and, if in debt to the landlord..." - Hugo Herman Miller, Economic Conditions in the Philippines - Page 200