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Citations:pale male

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English citations of pale male

  • 2000, Sally Robinson, Marked Men: White Masculinity in Crisis, page 54:
    In a novel so devoted to celebrating the victimization of “pale males”, Crichton's troping of masculine hurts through the metaphor of rape is part of his effort to explore the pains—and the pleasures—of wounded white male bodies
  • 2004, Brian Leiter, editor, The Future for Philosophy, page 225:
    Denunciations of scientific research as the province of pale males may make a serious point about lack of opportunities for rewarding positions, but the claims made by feminists are sometimes much stronger.
  • 2014, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Feminist Biblical Studies in the Twentieth Century, page 269:
    Indeed, hegemonic masculinity's structural support for elite, heteronormative pale males can be troubled and undermined by alternative masculinities, ...
  • 2016 November 28, “A Young Feminist's Compassionate View of Men”, in Psychology Today:
    My own work on this started with a piece I wrote in 1993, titled “Loving Pale Males,” which talked about the dilemma I found myself in, as the liberal father of three boys.
  • 2016 December 20, Kyle Smith, “‘Hidden Figures’ is your feel-good film of Christmas break”, in New York Post:
    That movie, in retrospect, becomes the White Stuff, one that focused almost exclusively on the pale males who, in Chuck Yeager’s famous formulation, had so little to do that they were in essence “Spam in a can.”
  • 2022 July 18, “What an embarrassment that debate was: Labour will be laughing all the way to the polls”, in The Guardian:
    Yes, hurrah for the most diverse applicants ever, with only one token pale male, but you would have to search in vain for diverse views.