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Serbo-Croatian citations of osjetiti

  • 1887, Ksaver Šandor Gjalski, Janko Borislavić:
    Prije nego što je te večeri legla, osjeti doduše neku grižnju savjesti što je staroj mami to zatajila i što nije sve iskazala.
    Before laying to bed that evening, she felt guilt though for keeping it secret to her old mother, for not telling everything.
  • 1906-09, Janko Polić Kamov, Isušena kaljuža:
    Sada osjetih slabost u želucu kao da nisam dugo vremena jeo; kao da sam hranu već nekoliko dana iščekivao.
    At that moment I felt weakness in my stomach as if I hadn't eaten for a long time; as if I've been expecting food for a few days.
  • 1886, Ksaver Šandor Gjalski, U noći:
    Osjeti potrebu, da čita štogođ iz pjesništva, onakovo nešto, gdje bi se veličajnim izvanrednim slogom slavila ljubav, i pjevale njene slasti.
    He felt the need to read some poetry, something celebrating love by magnificent, extraordinary verse, poetising its relish.
  • 2001, Tomislav Dretar, Ljudsko pitanje:
    U vrijeme kad sam primio pismo, osjetio sam gnjev i strah.
    At the moment I received the letter, I felt anger and fear.
  • 1911, Ivan Kozarac, Đuka Begović:
    Kad sve to obišao, sve to vidio, u Đuki se ustalio nekakav drag osjećaj, a osjetio se i čuvstven, bodar.
    Having walked through it all, seeing it all, some endearing sentiment staticised inside Đuka's heart, and he felt emotional, vivacious.