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English citations of non-cisgender

Adjective: "not cisgender"

2011 2012 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2011, David Groshoff, "Child, Please - Stop the Anti-Queer School Bullycides: A Modest Proposal to Hoist Social Conservatives by Their Own 'God, Guns, and Gays' Petard", University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender & Class, Volume 11, Issue 2, page 152 (footnote):
    Because of the varied definitions of the word “queer” in legal literature, this Article uses the term to mean individuals who (a) are not heterosexual, (b) not perceived to be heterosexual by others, and/or (c) possess — or appear to possess — a non-cisgender (binary) gender role.
  • 2011, Satoko Itani, "Sick but Legitimate? Gender Identity Disorder and a New Gender Identity Category in Japan", in Sociology of Diagnosis, Volume 12 (eds. P. J. McGann & David J. Hutson), Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2011), →ISBN, page 294:
    Unlike the Western nations where legal and social recognition of transsexual individuals' rights came long after intense scientific and philosophical debate over the meaning of non-cisgender, or nonnormative gender, identities, in Japan, the lack of social, medical, and legal support and recognition for transsexual individuals who suffer from horrendous disorder was presented as backwardness of Japanese society.
  • 2012, David Groshoff, "Eat This, Man Up, Or Just Put a Scarf In It", The Huffington Post, 2 January 2012:
    For example, "50 Under 30" examined the killing of 50 non-cisgender people who ranged in age from 13 to 30.
  • 2012, Laura J. Shepherd & Laura Sjoberg, "trans- bodies in/of war(s): cisprivilege and contemporary security strategy", Feminist Review, Issue 101, July 2012, page 17:
    These significations manifest themselves in transphobic discourses that frame non-cisgender performances as necessarily ‘terrorist’ and efforts to protect transpeople from discrimination as making ‘sure terrorists’ human rights ... are being protected’, which is characterised as ‘absurd and appalling’ (Brickley, 2009).
  • 2012, Taylor Menke, "We the people have the right of life, liberty and happiness", The Montage (St. Louis Community College, Meramec), Volume 48, Issue 6, 15 November 2012, page 6:
    CNN published the results of a Gallup telephone poll in which 3.4 percent of respondents, on average, identified themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or another nonheterosexual, non-cisgender identity.
  • 2013, Rebecca Borison, "Penn Non-Cis fights underrepresentation on campus", The Daily Pennsylvanian (University of Pennsylvania), 13 January 2013:
    Parsons found the biggest issue to be that “there was no space that said that it was welcoming specifically to non-cisgender people. Just having Penn Non-cis existing is already a space that I can be more comfortable in.”
  • 2013, Rachel Sacks, "We've come so far, but we still have a long way to go in struggle for equal rights for everyone", The Miami Student (Miami University), Volume 140, Number 29, 15 January 2013, page 7:
    The majority of the world would declare themselves cisgender; however those of non-cisgender identity are, of course, an important and ever growing presence in society.
  • 2013, Richard Kent, "Gender-neutral washrooms at Mt. A", The Argosy (Mount Allison University), Volume 142, Issue 17, 21 February 2013, page 2:
    However, she also said that it is a matter of accessibility and safety for non-cisgender students at the university (cisgender is a term denoting a person whose biological sex and gender identity match).
  • 2013, "Rep Groups", Salient (Victoria University of Wellington), Volume 76, Issue 00, 25 February 2013, page 34:
    UniQ also runs specific events for minorities within the group, through the Girls' Group, which meets fortnightly for drinks, and the Gender Club, which meets to discuss and educate on issues relating to non-cisgender identities.