1998 October 12, Joyce Harmon, “Re: Strange New Worlds II...?”, in alt.startrek.creative[1] (Usenet):
One of the beauties of fanfic, especially netfic, is that the story can be just exactly as long as it needs to be.
1999 May 30, Lady Cyrrh [username], “{ASSD} The Annex Reviews, 5/30/99”, in alt.sex.stories.d[2] (Usenet):
For a female humiliation/maledom story this was acceptable, but it suffered, as many pieces of amateur netfic do, from lack of focus […]
2000 July 22, Mary Ellen Curtin, “Re: More than a few words about the ASC* Archive”, in alt.startrek.creative[3] (Usenet):
When I said "net Trekdom", that's what I meant. Not all fanfic, just Trekfic. Not zinefic, just netfic.
2000 July 29, Mary Ellen Curtin, “Re: How to get Greywolf's zine”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[4] (Usenet):
To my mind, there is a definite niche for zine publishers dealing in netfic, and I want to encourage Jenna and other publishers to think along these lines.
2000 November 5, Shomeret [username], “Re: Fan Fiction Readers (and Writers)”, in alt.tv.highlander[5] (Usenet):
I still prefer fanzines because they are printed and I'm a print junkie, but I don't buy as many as I used to buy in the past. One reason is that netfic is partially satisfying my fanfic addiction.
2001 August 20, Mary Ellen Curtin, “Re: Subject: "Canon" (was Re: Who's on top?)”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[6] (Usenet):
I agree that LowLibido!Spock is supportable by canon (not 100%, but no interpretation is), and is someone we haven't seen much of in netfic, and that there would be interesting problems for him in having a long-term relationship with, for instance, LibidoBoy!Kirk, problems well worth exploring in stories.
2003 June 16, Lady Cyrrh [username], “{ASSM} {REVIEW} The Annex Reviews, 6/15/03”, in alt.sex.stories.moderated[7] (Usenet):
The stories were also interesting because the author is representative of the younger generation of netfic authors.