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English citations of mansplainer

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.

a man who explains condescendingly

  • 2009 May 8, Karen Healey, “A woman's born to weep and fret”, in Karen Healey's Livejournal[1], retrieved 2012-05-26:

    Think about the men you know. Do any of them display that delightful mixture of privilege and ignorance that leads to condescending, inaccurate explanations, delivered with the rock-solid conviction of rightness and that slimy certainty that of course he is right, because he is the man in this conversation?

    That dude is a mansplainer.

  • 2010 January 5, Zuska, “You May Be A Mansplainer If…”, in Thus Spake Zuska[2], ScienceBlogs, retrieved 2012-05-26:
    You May Be A Mansplainer If… [] You MUST explain why you are not a mansplainer, then re-explain things to the wimminz. Also, call them sexist.
  • 2010 February 3, “The Art of Mansplaining”, in Fannie's Room[3], retrieved 2012-05-26:
    The mansplainer’s problem isn't so much that he's trying to teach a woman something, but rather that he takes it as a given that she doesn't already know whatever it is he is going to tell her.
  • 2010 February 6, Jet Silver, “Jet’s favourite mansplanation story”, in I Am Not a Cake[4], retrieved 2012-05-26:
    The mansplainer mansplained adamantly on the topic of sex. His specific sub-topic: whether a long penis or a wide one is more pleasurable for a woman during vaginal intercourse.
  • 2010 December 18, Sam Sifton with Grant Barrett, “The Words of the Year”, in The New York Times[5], retrieved 2012-05-26:
    mansplainer: A man compelled to explain or give an opinion about everything — especially to a woman. He speaks, often condescendingly, even if he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or even if it’s none of his business.
  • 2011 February 15, Daniel Nester, “Are you a mansplainer? Let me mansplain.”, in Comedy of Manners[6], Times Union, retrieved 2012-05-26:
  • 2011 February 17, Tom Scocca, “Mansplainer, for Men: What Is and Isn't OK to Say About the Lara Logan Story”, in Slate[7], retrieved 2012-05-26:
  • 2012 August 1, Marin Cogan, “The Mittsplainer: An Alternate Theory of Mitt Romney's Gaffes”, in GQ[8], →ISSN:
    As a lady who covers politics, I'm intimately familiar with the mansplainer. You know who I'm talking about: he's the supremely self-impressed dude who feels the need to explain to you—with the overly simplistic, patient tone of an elementary school teacher—really obvious shit you already knew.
  • 2012 October 5, Harriet Walker, “Now, let me explain something about patriarchy”, in The Independent[9], →ISSN, retrieved 2012-10-05:
    Linehan’s argument, mansplained with the characteristic ill-grace of a caught-out mansplainer, was that Page Three was not misogynistic because it was clearly for men who liked women. Who liked them so much they wanted to look at them naked, in fact.
  • 2012 October 6, “Intellectual Negging at Shakespeare & Co., a Womansplanation”, in The Oeditrix[10], retrieved 2012-10-15:
    The sheer lack of intellectual curiosity of the mansplainer is only rivaled by his paranoia that if he doesn’t give an opinion dump right away, the girl might not think he is the smart one in the conversation.
  • 2014 April 25, Rachel Toor, “The Trouble With Mansplaining”, in Inside Higher Ed[11]:
    In her dream world, Dorothy gets to enact what every woman who isn’t heard by the men in her life would love to do: she stops Hunk from being a mansplainer and transforms him into someone who will listen.
  • 2017 February 20, Clodagh Chapman, “How to Identify a Mansplainer”, in twssmagazine[12]:
    The mansplainer is the male acquaintance who will spend three years trying to explain your degree to you, even though he’s on a different course and his main sources of information are AJ+ videos and viral Facebook posts. Any attempts to point out that you might be slightly more knowledgeable about the subject you read about for 40 hours a week will be shot down, because of course you – as a woman – couldn’t possibly compete with his vast intellectual understanding of that topic he once watched a Vice documentary on.