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English citations of loonytarian

Noun: "(US, politics, derogatory) a libertarian"

1998 1999 2000 2003 2007
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1998 August 27, kim overstreet, “Re: Another Warmonger Liberal Tries to Seize Power with Violence”, in alt.politics.libertarian[1] (Usenet):
    At the cost of sounding like one of these conservative extremists, loonytarians and militia members.......Those who have seved in uniform ARE better than the rest of the population.
  • 1998 September 14, po...@hotmail.com, “Re: Atlas Shrugged is Trash”, in alt.politics.libertarian[2] (Usenet):
    As loonytarians are so fond of observing, no nation on the earth has embraced a libertarian system, and, indeed, even in the heyday of rugged individualism, 19th c. America, complete laissez faire was rejected.
  • 1998 September 15, Logan, “Re: Atlas Shrugged is Trash”, in alt.politics.libertarian[3] (Usenet):
    You are exhibiting the exact same traits for which you condemn your "loonytarians."
  • 1999 July 21, big_...@my-deja.com, “Re: Liberals are Genocidal Hatemongers”, in alt.politics.libertarian[4] (Usenet):
    Despite the fact that the answer to this question is entirely subjective, most loonytarians are entirely convinced that any attempt on the part of labor to take back some of the money from their employer that they earned is "theft" and "slavery" even if it only meant that the employer would have to settle for a yacht that's a couple of feet shorter than the one he wanted.
  • 2000 July 28, Hercu...@webtv.net, “Re: John Stossel's rantings”, in alt.politics.libertarian[5] (Usenet):
    The only difference between Loonytarians and Communists is the class of people each party intends to oppress and which equal but opposite deep end each party want's to jump off of.
  • 2003 April 30, Snicker@burgerkingbeck, “Re: America - Love It or Leave It”, in alt.politics.libertarian[6] (Usenet):
    Loonytarians seem to have the irking ability to ignore the fact that many of the "freedoms" that were "enjoyed" in 18th century, pre-industrialization, pre-technological society were DISMAL failures once the Hollywood/John Wayne version of the "old west" veneer was stripped away
  • 2007 December 11, Bob LeChevalier, “Re: Paul's Legislative Record - Claimed and Fact”, in alt.politics.libertarian[7] (Usenet):
    Only loonytarians and other insane people see tyranny everywhere they move.
1998 2000 2001 2009 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1998 August 25, kim overstreet, “Re: Another Warmonger Liberal Tries to Seize Power with Violence”, in alt.politics.libertarian[8] (Usenet):
    Of course your Ideas are a little extreme even by repug and loonytarian standards.
  • 2000 May 19, rose...@idt.net, “Re: The academic Left claims that 'fascism' is "Right".”, in alt.politics.libertarian[9] (Usenet):
    Why isn't the loonytarian view of things considered more than a laughable excercise in stupidity?.
  • 2000 June 26, Hercu...@webtv.net, “Re: What part of "DEATH" do you not understand?”, in alt.politics.libertarian[10] (Usenet):
    But you have top realize that, in the typical Loonytarian world, corporations can do no wrong.
  • 2001 September 4, righ...@sodangerous.com, “Re: Does zero tolerance contribute to school shootings?”, in alt.politics.libertarian[11] (Usenet):
    Loonytarian beliefs are bogus. They always have been, and always will be.
  • 2009 November 24, s...@above.com (quoted by Jerry Okamura), “Re: Sarah Palin's Book Is Already on Clearance”, in alt.politics.libertarian[12] (Usenet):
    The "loonytarian" model of little government influence produced massive problems by the end of the 19th century, continued on until the horrific excesses of market capitalism began to erode America.
  • 2013 February 17, Yoorg...@Jurgis.net (quoted by Charles Bell), “Re: Rand Paul Response to the President's State of the Union Address”, in alt.politics.libertarian[13] (Usenet):
    The loonytarian model of government was in full force (or as nearly 100% as it could get), around the turn of the 20th century.