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English citations of libertard

Noun: "(US, politics, derogatory) a stupid libertarian"

2004 2005 2006 2009 2011 2012
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2004 October 29, Dave Christian, “Re: Competence”, in triangle.general[1] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    Worse, Libertarian Conspiracy Theorist. Ouch, to be called a libertard is beyond cruel.
  • 2005 June 18, Bret Cahill, “Taxes Aren't the Only Price of Liberty”, in humanities.philosophy.objectivism[2] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    If enough people aren't doing the above then the money spent on taxes is indeed wasted or even counterproductive and it's easy to see how many would become libertards or Randroids who, like Lincoln, would prefer to take their despotism straight, "unalloyed by the base metal of hypocrisy."
  • 2005 December 24, Bret Cahill, “Re: New Constitutional Amendments”, in alt.politics.libertarian[3] (Usenet):
    You should know by now libertards only DODGE issues.
  • 2006 March 9, Bret Cahill, “Libertaria Set To Break Out In Iraq!!!”, in alt.politics.libertarian[4] (Usenet):
    Come on libertards, you've been saying "there's no gummint like no gummint" for years and years. Well now libertaria has broken out in Iraq and you guys aren't going even though KBR will pay you 200K tax free to move.
  • 2009 October 16, Bret Cahill, “Re: Can't change even when wrong, (old habits die hard)”, in alt.politics.libertarian[5] (Usenet):
    Noooo. The libertards are protesting the new user fee. They think the highways are free, they built themselves.
  • 2011 March 31, Bret Cahill, “Re: Peak Money Comes AFTER Peak Oil: Koch Bros Set Up To Become World's First Trillionaires”, in alt.politics.libertarian[6] (Usenet):
    The libertard will always ask, "how do you know the private sector wouldn't have done it?"
  • 2011, "Magic 8 Ball", Nexus (University of Waikato), 30 May 2011, page 6:
    Without a doubt, as wave and waves of libertards try their best to get into the WSU Executive, sell off all the WSU assets and then go on lengthy trips to fundamentalist Christian conferences in America.
  • 2011 November 21, Clave, “Re: How Deniers Deny Reality”, in alt.politics.libertarian[7] (Usenet):
    Easy -- that's what you call anyone with brain enough to recognize you as a mindless, pretentious libertard douche.
  • 2011 December 4, Clave, “Re: LIBERTARIANS PRAISED FASCISTS,”, in alt.philosophy[8] (Usenet), message-ID <jbhs66$g7e$>:
    It's just that there's really no call for a lot of seriousness when dealing with 15-year-old closet-case bumper-sticker-brained libertards who think calling someone gay is the Worst Insult in the World.
  • 2012 January 12, Clave, “Re: Question for right wingers”, in[9] (Usenet), message-ID <IENTq.3419$d66.716@newsfe15.iad>:
    That libertard "no one has the right to someone else's services" is bumper-sticker horseshit for rights-fairy thralls who can't be bothered to actually read the Constitution.