- 2016, 盧廣仲 (Crowd Lu), 《手機仔(一)》 (Smart Phone I) (official lyrics)
- 你看你看 拉滴歐在唱歌
- lí khòaⁿ lí khòaⁿ, la-lí-o͘h teh chhiùⁿ-koa
- Look, look, the radio is singing
- 2007, 詹雅雯 (Chan Ya-wen), 《船頂的歐里桑》 (MV)
- 隨身一台拉字歐 船頂的歐里桑
- sûi-sin chi̍t tâi la-jí-o͘h, chûn-téng ê o͘-lí-sáng
- Always carrying a radio with them, these old men on the boat
- 2008, 詹雅雯 (Chan Ya-wen), 《單身的演歌》 (Mojim)
- 拉字歐~塊放送一條失戀的演歌
- la-lí-o͘h teh hòng-sàng chi̍t tiâu sit-loân ê iàn-gah
- The radio is playing a breakup enka
- 2012, 詹雅雯 (Chan Ya-wen), 《一個人》 (MV)
- 拉字歐播送什麼歌 不管什麼音樂攏好啦
- la-jí-o͘h pò͘-sàng siáⁿ-mih koa, m̄-koán siáⁿ-mih im-ga̍k lóng hó--lah
- Whatever song the radio plays, it is all good no matter what music it is
- 2019, 海岸乾杯 (Coastal Kanpai), 《欲來出海》 (Break up to the World) (official video)
- 船頂仔拉字歐放著誰仔莎米係喔
- chûn-téng ê la-lí-o͘h pàng-tio̍h siáng ê sa-bi-si--o͘h
- Whose loneliness(?) is the radio on the boat playing?
- 2011, 林柔均, 尾班車 (MV)
- 已經半舊的拉吉歐 唱著心酸的老情歌
- í-keng pòaⁿ-kū ê la-jí-o͘h, chhiùⁿ-tio̍h sim-sng ê lāu chêng-koa
- (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- 2019, 劉家榮, 彼一暝 (MV)
- 拉吉歐的旋律 聽著淡薄啊悲 度合內心的虛微
- la-jí-o͘h ê soân-lu̍t, thiaⁿ-tio̍h tām-po̍h-á pi, to͘-ha̍p lōe-sim ê hi-bî
- (please add an English translation of this usage example)
Hokkien citations of ラジオ
- 2008, 詹雅雯 (Chan Ya-wen), 《單身的演歌》 (MV)
- ラジオ在放送一條失戀的演歌
- la-lí-o͘h teh hòng-sàng chi̍t tiâu sit-loân ê iàn-gah
- The radio is playing a breakup enka
- 2016, 謝銘祐 (Hsieh Ming-yu), 《下晡的ワルツ》 (MV)
- ラジオ傳來ワルツ的歌
- la-jí-o͘h thoân-lâi oa-lù-chuh ê koa
- The radio is playing a waltz