Latin citations of iuglandes
- AD 77–79, Gaius Plinius Secundus (author), Karl Friedrich Theodor Mayhoff (editor), Naturalis Historia (1906), book XV, chapter xxviii:
- ab his locum amplitudine vindicaverint, quae cessere auctoritate, nuces iuglandes, quamquam et ipsae nuptialium fescenninorum comites, multum pineis minores universitate eademque portione ampliores nucleo.
- The walnut, which would almost claim precedence of the sorb in size, yields the palm to it in reference to the esteem in which they are respectively held; and this, although it is so favourite an accompaniment of the Fescennine songs at nuptials. This nut, taken as a whole, is very considerably smaller than the pine nut, but the kernel is larger in proportion. ― translation from: John Bostock and Henry Thomas Riley, The Natural History (1855), book XV: “The Natural History of the Fruit-trees”, chapter xxiv (xxii): ‘Nine Varieties of the Nut’
- ab his locum amplitudine vindicaverint, quae cessere auctoritate, nuces iuglandes, quamquam et ipsae nuptialium fescenninorum comites, multum pineis minores universitate eademque portione ampliores nucleo.
Latin citations of iuglandum
- AD 77–79, Gaius Plinius Secundus (author), Karl Friedrich Theodor Mayhoff (editor), Naturalis Historia (1906), book XVII, chapter xxix:
- iam quaedam umbrarum proprietas: iuglandum gravis et noxia, etiam capiti humano omnibusque iuxta satis. necat gramina et pinus, sed ventis utraque resistit, quoniam et protecta vinearum ratione egent. stilicidia pinus, quercus, ilicis ponderosissima, nullum cupressi, umbra minima et in se convoluta. ficorum levis, quamvis sparsa, ideoque inter vineas seri non vetentur. ulmorum lenis, etiam nutriens, quacumque opacat. attico haec quoque videtur e gravissimis, nec dubito, si emittantur in ramos; constrictae quidem illius noxiam esse non arbitror. iucunda et platani, quamquam crassa. licet gramini credere non sub alia laetius operienti toros. populo nulla ludentibus foliis, pinguis alno, sed pascens sata. vitis sibi sufficit, mobili folio iactatuque crebro solem umbra temperans, eodem gravi protegens in imbre. omnium fere levis umbra, quorum pediculi longi. non fastidienda haec quoque scientia atque non in ultimis ponenda, quando satis quibusque umbra aut nutrix aut noverca est. iuglandum quidem pinorumque et picearum et abietis quaecumque attingere non dubie venenum.
- The shadows of trees are possessed of certain properties. That of the walnut is baneful and injurious to man, in whom it is productive of head-ache, and it is equally noxious to everything that grows in its vicinity. The shadow, too, of the pine has the effect of killing the grass beneath it; but in both of these trees the foliage presents an effectual resistance to the winds, while, at the same time, the vine is destitute of such protection. The drops of water that fall from the pine, the quercus, and the holm-oak are extremely heavy, but from the cypress none fall; the shadow, too, thrown by this last tree is extremely small, its foliage being densely packed.4 The shadow of the fig, although widely spread, is but light, for which reason it is allowed to be planted among vines. The shadow of the elm is refreshing and even nutrimental to whatever it may happen to cover; though, in the opinion of Atticus, this tree is one of the most injurious of them all; and, indeed, I have no doubt that such may be the case when the branches are allowed to become too long; but at the same time I am of opinion that when they are kept short it can be productive of no possible harm. The plane also gives a very pleasant shade,5 though somewhat dense: but in this case we must look more to the luxuriant softness of the grass beneath it than the warmth of the sun; for there is no tree that forms a more verdant couch on which to recline. The poplar6 gives no shade whatever, in consequence of the incessant quivering of its leaves: while that of the alder is very dense, but remarkably nutritive to plants. The vine affords sufficient shade for its wants, the leaf being always in motion, and from its repeated movement tempering the heat of the sun with the shadow that it affords; at the same time too it serves as an effectual protection against heavy rains. In nearly all trees the shade is thin, where the footstalks of the leaves are long. This branch of knowledge is one by no means to be despised or deserving to be placed in the lowest rank, for in the case of every variety of plant the shade is found to act either as a kind nurse or a harsh step-mother. There is no doubt that the shadow of the walnut, the pine, the pitch-tree, and the fir is poisonous to everything it may chance to light upon. ― translation from: John Bostock and Henry Thomas Riley, The Natural History (1855), book XVII: “The Natural History of the Cultivated Trees”, chapter xviii: ‘The Nature of the Sad Thrown by Trees.’
- iam quaedam umbrarum proprietas: iuglandum gravis et noxia, etiam capiti humano omnibusque iuxta satis. necat gramina et pinus, sed ventis utraque resistit, quoniam et protecta vinearum ratione egent. stilicidia pinus, quercus, ilicis ponderosissima, nullum cupressi, umbra minima et in se convoluta. ficorum levis, quamvis sparsa, ideoque inter vineas seri non vetentur. ulmorum lenis, etiam nutriens, quacumque opacat. attico haec quoque videtur e gravissimis, nec dubito, si emittantur in ramos; constrictae quidem illius noxiam esse non arbitror. iucunda et platani, quamquam crassa. licet gramini credere non sub alia laetius operienti toros. populo nulla ludentibus foliis, pinguis alno, sed pascens sata. vitis sibi sufficit, mobili folio iactatuque crebro solem umbra temperans, eodem gravi protegens in imbre. omnium fere levis umbra, quorum pediculi longi. non fastidienda haec quoque scientia atque non in ultimis ponenda, quando satis quibusque umbra aut nutrix aut noverca est. iuglandum quidem pinorumque et picearum et abietis quaecumque attingere non dubie venenum.