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Latin citations of hospes

adjectival use
  • Publius Papinius Statius, Thebais, liber XII. In: Statius with an English translation by J. H. Mozley, vol. II of two volumes, 1928, p. 480f.:
    Geticae non plura queruntur
    hospitibus tectis trunco sermone volucres,
    cum duplices thalamos et iniquum Terea clamant.
    No lengthier plaint do the Getic birds utter upon the foreign housetops in mutilated speech, when they exclaim against the treachery of the wedding bower and Tereus' cruel deed.
  • Publius Papinius Statius, Silvae, liber V. In: Statius with an English translation by J. H. Mozley, vol. I of two volumes, 1928, p. 286f.:
    vehit ille merentes
    protinus et manes plaeidus locat hospite cumba.
    He conveys deserving souls forthwith, and quietly sets them in his welcoming craft.