Latin citations of hospes
- adjectival use
- Publius Papinius Statius, Thebais, liber XII. In: Statius with an English translation by J. H. Mozley, vol. II of two volumes, 1928, p. 480f.:
- Geticae non plura queruntur
hospitibus tectis trunco sermone volucres,
cum duplices thalamos et iniquum Terea clamant.- No lengthier plaint do the Getic birds utter upon the foreign housetops in mutilated speech, when they exclaim against the treachery of the wedding bower and Tereus' cruel deed.
- Geticae non plura queruntur
- Publius Papinius Statius, Silvae, liber V. In: Statius with an English translation by J. H. Mozley, vol. I of two volumes, 1928, p. 286f.:
- vehit ille merentes
protinus et manes plaeidus locat hospite cumba.- He conveys deserving souls forthwith, and quietly sets them in his welcoming craft.
- vehit ille merentes