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Citations:homo sapian

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English citations of homo sapian

  1. Misspelling of Homo sapien; itself a misconstruction of Homo sapiens.
    • 1969: Skamania County Bigfoot law of 1969: Ordinance № 69‒01 Prohibiting Wanton Slaying of Ape-Creature and Imposing Penalties; quoted in:
    • 1997: Robert Michael Pyle, Where Bigfoot Walks: Crossing the Dark Divide, page 278 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; →ISBN, 9780395857014)
      [] WHEREAS, there is evidence to indicate the possible existence in Skamania County of a nocturnal primate mammal variously described as an ape-like creature or a sub-species of Homo Sapian [sic]; []
    • 1970: George Harvey Sage [compiler], Sport and American society: selected readings, page 332 (second edition, illustrated; Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.)
      Evelyn Browne, in the next reading, proposes a theory of play that is based on genetic rather than environmental factors. She believes that man’s obsession with sports is derived from instincts which he inherited in his evolutionary march from lower animal to Homo sapian.
    • 1970: India Railway Board, India Railways, volume 15, page 200
      In the course of human evolution Neanderthal Man represents the morphological and evolutionary link between Java Man, Peking Man and Heidelberg Man on the one hand and the modern man or Homo sapian on the other.
    • 1979: Aioswarjya Kumar Das, Tribal art and craft, page 109 (Agam)
      But all through the long history of homo sapian it has been observed that man never remained content by merely achieving a successful adaptation for their survival.
    • 1988: Institute of Social Research (Shillong, India), Social research: journal of Institute of Social Research, volume 8, page 9 (Pub. Division)
      This particular phenomenon substatially holds true as regards the prevailing diseases, specifically, ‘Skin-in and Skin-out’ ailment, of the species in general and the Homo Sapian in particular.
    • 1989: Moti Lal Nath, The Upper Chambal Basin: a geographical study in rural settlements, page 38 (Northern Book Centre)
      Such severe Palaeo-climatic conditions also affected the population of the prehistoric man–the Homo sapian a modern man.
    • 1990: Government College (Lahore, Pakistan), Rāvī, volume 77, page 86 (Gavarnmint Kālij)
      The hypnotic effect of the media probably plays the major role in conditioning this homo sapian.
    • 1990: The Astrological Magazine, volume 79, page 103 (Roman Publications)
      He happens to be the first human being or the nearest to homo-sapian class and has been the ancestor of the Aryan race.
    • 1992: Nab Kishore Behura (editor) and Krishna Chandra Tripathy (editor) of the Utkal University Deptartment of Anthropology, Science, culture, and development: Prof. L.K. Mahapatra felicitation volume, page 129 (Paragon Publishers)
      [] homo sapian in the tribal world is more of main the player, the homo Luden.
    • 1993: The Ancient American, №s 1–16, page 15 (W.N. May)
      We are then looking at a sophisticated Homo Sapian, rather than Homo Sapian Sapian, or Cro-magnon, as described by the traditionalists.
    • 1996: Vimala Thakar and Kaiser Irani, Vimalaji’s global pilgrimage, part 2, page 24 (Vimal Prakashan Trust)
      The religion will be “universe-centered and not “homo-sapian” centered. That religion will teach human race a new humility and open it up towards its organic relationship to the universal forces.
    • 1998: Kenneth Carpenter, Nick Fraser, Dan Chure, and James I. Kirkland of the Denver Museum of Natural History, Modern Geology: The Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation: An Interdisciplinary Study, page 452 (Taylor & Francis; →ISBN, 9789056991838)
      Ichnofacies based on footprints would be disastrous! For example, our footprints occur nearly everywhere on earth and also on the Moon’s surface, which is under extremely different atmospheric and gravitational forces, but would be part of a Homo sapian ichnofacies!
    • 2000: B. S. Baliga (editor), Madras District Gazetteers, volume 11, page 322 (Superintendent, Government Press)
      The animal and plant life except Homo-sapian species are scanty in the area.
    • 2003: C. Rigby, The world’s most difficult music quizzes, page 61 (Miles Kelly Publishing; →ISBN, 9781842362969)
      3. “I think I’m so sophisticated, cos I’m living my life like a good homo sapian
    • 2003: P. N. Phadke, India through the ages: an archaeo probe, page 104 (Jyoti Prakash)
      Their aim was to know the antiquity of man right from the time he evolved from the stage of Ape Man in the pleistocene period to Homo-Sapian some 35000 years ago.
    • 2003: Nitrozac and Snaggy (Liza Schmalcel and Bruce Evans), The Best of The Joy of Tech, “A Joy of Tech Lexicon” (O’Reilly; →ISBN, 9780596005788)
      Geeko Sapiens: The advanced form of homo sapian, one, which depends on its intellect and geeky prowess for survival.
    • 2004: Lee Dodé, Ph.D., A History of Homosexuality, page 7 (Trafford Publishing, Arete Publishing; →ISBN
      Homosexuality was common throughout the animal kingdom as well as with humans. Why was the human (homo sapian) animal any different?
    • 2004: S. Bhatt, Environment protection and sustainable development, page 142 (APH Publishing; →ISBN, 9788176485128)
      The biologist view is based on the interrelatedness of ecosystems. It considers all mankind belonging to single species homo sapian.
    • 2005: Lisa Grunwald (editor) and Stephen J. Adler (editor), Women’s letters: America from the Revolutionary War to the present, page 537 (illustrated edition; Dial Press; →ISBN, 9780385335539)
      The optimist in me believes, in spite of Man’s (meaning the Homo Sapian and not the male sex) limitations that the ideal can be attained.
    • 2006: Marta Becket and Ginger Mikkelsen, To Dance on Sands: The Life And Art of Death Valley’s Marta Becket, page 40 (Stephens Press, LLC; →ISBN, 9781932173345)
      Past the great dinosaur and the progression of skulls from the ape to the homo sapian there were painted miniature stage sets of the Western prairie and American deserts which stood as background to coyotes, eagles, buffalo, and smaller creatures.
    • 2006: Hareendran Kallinkeel, A Few Ugly Humans, page 68 (World Audience Inc; →ISBN, 9780978808686)
      wasted time over le mot juste
      and the catatonic nature of your forgotten past

      spare a thought for poor old
      scratching her mortality
      with a broken piece of wood
      and a few salty tears