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English citations of haphephobia

Noun: "the fear of being touched"

1894 1906 1983 2006 2009 2010 2011 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1894, Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences, Volume 2, unnumbered page:
    It is necessary to distinguish haphephobia from the syndrome described under the name of délire de toucher, the emotional disturbance produced especially after contact.
  • 1906, The Alienist and Neurologist, Volume 27, page 160:
    I have seen true folie du toucher follow mysophobia and haphephobia pass into haphemania, the patient scream and crouch with insane fear at the slightest touch or run at ones[sic] approach.
  • 1983, Florence Schumer, Abnormal Psychology, Heath (1983), →ISBN, page 7:
    He is mentally disturbed: he has an intense, irrational fear of being touched (haphephobia; defense de toucher).
  • 2006, Sylvie Simmons, "I Hate His Fingers", in London Noir (ed. Cathi Unsworth), Akashic Books (2006), →ISBN, page 100:
    “Yeah, haphephobia's pretty commonplace, but if it's fingers, per se—well, dactylophobia's a new one on me. []
  • 2009, Christina Fisanick, Crime and Criminals, Greenhaven Press (2009), →ISBN, page 120:
    As if we're all afflicted with haphephobia—the fear of being touched—we make peculiar distinctions about violence and non-violence.
  • 2010, Mahikol Torres, Living Through the Unknown, Lulu (2010), →ISBN, page 31:
    “I think that by what I've seen so far I can conclude that we have a case of haphephobia.” stated Dr. Smith.
    “What's that?” asked mother.
    “It's the fear of being touched.” responded Dr. Smith.
  • 2011, Ava Gray, Skin Heat, Berkley Sensation (2011), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
    She didn't think it could be mysophobia—a fear of germs—given the work he did at the clinic, but perhaps haphephobia?
  • 2011, E. L. James, Fifty Shades Darker, Vintage Books (2012), →ISBN, page 412:
    [] He realizes that his goal is a loving relationship with you. It's that simple, and that's what we're working on now. Of course there are obstacles—his haphephobia, for one."
    His what? I gasp.
    “I'm sorry. I mean his fear of being touched," Dr. Flynn says, shaking his head as if scolding himself. []
  • 2013, Leesia Lindsay, "Paranormal Encounters", in From Every Corner, iUniverse (2013), →ISBN, page 10:
    My hair stood on end all over my body and my haphephobia, the fear of being touched, kicked into full gear.