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English citations of gradatim

Adverb: step by step; gradually and methodically

c.1650 1818 1852 1872 1887 1898 1928 1931 1979 1995 1998 1999 2003
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • (Can we date this quote?) (mid-17th century), Guy Parsloe, The Minute Book of Bedford Corporation, 1647–1664, page 31:
    And everie person hereafter to bee elected to any the said offices of Maior or Bayliff shall ascend thereto gradatim, that is to say, no person shalbee capable of the Maioraltie unles hee first beare or have borne the office of Bayliff nor shall any bee capable of the Bayliffrey unles hee first beare or have borne the office of Chamberlyn, any Act, Ordynance or usage to the contrarye notwithstanding; provided that this Act or Ordynance shall not bee prejudyciall to or take away any priviledge of the Corporation touching the compelling of any Burgesse of this Towne dwelling in any other towne to serve in the office of Maior or other the forenamed offices.
  • 1818: Washington Irving, The Analectic Magazine: Volume XI, page 397:
    Thus prepared for the enterprise in which we are engaging, we should proceed in the interpretation of nature, continenter et gradatim, cautiously and by a just gradation, first carefully examining all the phenonema presented to our inspection, comparing with the utmost attention and discrimination those which are favourable and those unfavourable, and when we have advanced far enough in the matter of observation and experience, settle our axiomata media or intermediate principles of science: and having attained this point in our progress, we must advance with equal care and attentive collection of facts, to our axiomata generalia or general principles; and when by this process we have remounted to great maxims, we can safely take a retrograde course and apply them to the particular cases that arise.
  • 1852, Hannah Lawrance, The Treasure-Seeker’s Daughter; A Tale of the Days of James the First, page 114:
    But gradatim, doctor, ye ken, gradatim.
  • 1872, Josiah Gilbert Holland, Gradatim
  • 1887, California Department of Public Instruction, Pacific Educational Journal, page 51:
    Collar and Daniell’s Beginner’s Book completed. Gradatim, for sight reading.
  • 1898, Sebastian Evan (translated from Perlesuaus’s 13th century Old French original), The High History of the Holy Graal, page xvi:
    Now, a platter, broad and somewhat deep, is called in French gradalis or gradale, wherein costly meats with their sauce are wont to be set before rich folk by degrees (gradatim) one morsel after another in divers orders, and in the vulgar speech it is called graalz, for that it is grateful and acceptable to him that eateth therein, as well for that which containeth the victual, for that haply it is of silver or other precious material, as for the contents thereof, to wit, the manifold courses of costly meats.
  • 1928 June, W J Cooper, The School Review: The Junior-College Movement in California, vol. 36, № 6, pages 409–422:
    This trend of thought and preaching and practice resulted gradatim in the junior certificate, to mark the distinction between university and secondary…
  • 1931 March 1, Edward F. Adolph, The American Journal of Physiology — Legacy Content: OSMOSIS INTO FROG SKIN, AND THE EFFECTS OF ISOLATION OF ORIENTATION, AND OF THE BLOOD’S CIRCULATION, volume 96, issue 3, pages 587–597:
    At the beginning of the experiment the weighings were done at intervals of two minutes; later the intervals were increased gradatim, the last weighing being…
  • 1979, Frederick Suppe, The Structure of Scientific Theories, page 332:
    [] in the limit, from a series of blows, that is, an action “gradatim & successive”.
  • 1995 October 1, Percy Brown, The American Journal of RoentgenologyAmerican Martyrs to Radiology: Frederick Henry Baetjer (1874–1933) (reprint of 1936 [classical article]), volume 165, issue 4, page 992:
    As his connection with his hospital lengthened with the years, Doctor Baetjer was successively appointed Assistant, Instructor, Associate, and Associate Professor, becoming Professor of Roentgenology in 1921. Always, throughout this gradatim advance, he was the virtual and responsible head of his department.
  • 1998, A. D. Farmery of the Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics, British Journal of Anaesthesia: Not all crystalloid solutions are equal, page 2:
    The symbolic solution to this is complex and so has been solved gradatim using a simple MS Excel spreadsheet, to plot PAP after balloon inflation for different values of PVRart, PVRven, Ca and Cc for any given starting values of PAP and PAWP.
  • 1999 November 9, (issue date) / 1996, April 22 (filing date): George J. Magovern, Patent № 5,979,456Apparatus and method for reversibly reshaping a body part (Current U.S. Classification: 128/899; International Classification: A61B 1900):
    §: “SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION”; p14, 3:6–8{1}, 3:44–47{2}, & 4:15–18{3}:
    {1}It is preferred that exerting the force on the body part is performed gradatim so that modifying the shape of the selected portion is substantially unobtrusive.
    {2}It is preferred that the activation energy be applied intermittently, gradatim, or both so that the modifying and restoring of the selected body part is substatially unobtrusive, accommodating a body function.
    {3}The method can also include selectively generating the activation energy responsive to the stimulus, either intermittently, gradatim, or both so that the reversibly modifying is substantially unobtrusive.
    §: “DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS”; p15, 5:2–4{4} & 6:25–30{5}; p17, 9:59–60{6} (CLAIM № 3), 10:13–16{7} (CLAIM № 10), 10:22–24{8} (CLAIM № 13), 10:31–34{9} (CLAIM № 15), 10:35–36{10} (CLAIM № 16), & 10:37–38{11} (CLAIM № 17); p18, 11:18–22{12} (CLAIM № 27) & 12:7–11{13} (CLAIM № 35); p19, 14:21–23…27–32{14} (CLAIM № 56c):
    {4}The activation energy can be applied gradatim so that the modifying and restoration of the selected body portion is substantially unobtrusive to the patient.
    {5}By controlling the application and removal of the activation energy gradatim, i.e. in a measured or graduated way, the forces exerted on the tissues and muscles are gradual and gentle enough to not arouse a sleeping patient, and remain substantially unobtrusive to the device wearer.
    {6}3. The apparatus of claim 2 wherein the activation energy is applied gradatim.
    {7}10. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the activation energy is applied gradatim so that the modifying and restoring of the shape of the selected portion is substantially unobtrusive.
    {8}13. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein exerting the force is performed gradatim so that modifying the shape of the selected portion is substantially unobtrusive.
    {9}15. The apparatus of claim 6, wherein the activation energy is applied gradatim so that the modifying and restoring of the shape of the selected portion is substantially unobtrusive.
    {10}16. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the force is exerted gradatim.
    {11}17. The apparatus of claim 16, wherein the activation energy is applied gradatim.
    {12}27. The apparatus of claim 26, wherein the activation energy applied with is selected from the group consisting of intermittently, gradatim and synchronously with a body function so that the modifying and restoring is substantially unobtrusive and the body function is accommodated.
    {13}35. The apparatus of claim 34, wherein the activation energy applied is selected from the group consisting of intermittently, gradatim and synchronously with a body function so that the modifying and restoring is substantially unobtrusive and the body function is accommodated.
    {14}56. The method of claim 49, wherein the shape-memory structure is connected of an energy source, and further comprising the steps of:
    [] c. selectively generating the activation energy responsive to the stimulus, the selectively generating including those selected from the group consisting of intermittent generating, gradatim generating, and synchronously generating so that the reversibly modifying is substantially unobtrusive is substantially unobtrusive. [sic]
  • 1999, 杨毅 (Yang Yi), 武宝玉 (Wu Baoyu), 袁申元 (Yuan Shenyuan), 朱良湘 (Zhu Liangxiang), 付汉青 (Fu Hanqing), and 刘元涛 (Liu Yuantao), 中国医学科学杂志(英文版) (Chinese Medical Sciences Journal): Changes of Nailfold Microcirculation in Patients of Type II Diabetes Mellitus with Diabetic Retinopathy, 第十四卷 (vol. 14), 第四期 (№ 4), §2: “Materials and Method”, “Nailfold microcirculation observation”:
    2) Fluid state of capillaries, including velocity of blood flow (the images recorded were gradatim sampling, and the velocity was through computerised measuring), blood cells aggregation, white blood cells number, and white micro thrombus.
  • 2003: F. T. Arnold, The Art of Accompaniment from a Thorough-Bass: As Practiced in the XVII and XVIII Centuries, page 208:
    [] at considerable length earlier however, be employed when one extreme part moves gradatim []
  • 2003: Xuejun Zhang, Masayuki Kanematsu, Hiroshi Fujita, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Kondo, Xiangrong Zhou, Wenguang Li, and Hiroaki Hoshi, Computer-aided differentiation of focal liver disease in MR imaging, §2: “Materials and Methods”, §§2.1: “Differentiation of 5 categories of focal liver disease”, §§§2.1 (a): “Artificial Neural Networks”, ¶ № 2:
    The algorithm tries to fit very input samples to the corresponding outputs by adjusting the weights among the neurons, and the accuracy is improved gradatim by iterative time.