2017 August 27, Vaccinated TransAdvocate (@transadvocate), Twitter[1]:
Sooo shitposting is now a sexed essence? By that logic these gendercritters are men.
2017 December 15, Cristan Williams (@cristanwilliams), Twitter[2]:
Gendercritters never begin by being critical of their own gender stereotypes. It’s almost as if they think it’s everyone else’s job to free them from their stereotype performances.
2019 January 23, Maria H (@ThisMariaHutch), Twitter[3]:
Also, from the way they talk about non-passing trans women I suspect most gendercritters are only OK with GNC men so long as they fit a highly specific mould of thin, white, youthful androgyny.
2019 March 15, Christine Burns (@christineburns), Twitter[4]:
Gendercritters descend en-masse at a launch event for a book about breasts and breastfeeding because it has a section regarding a trans boy.
2019 August 21, Lady Emily(@EmilyBanting1), Twitter[5]:
Cool cool cool nothing to see here just gendercritters defining womanhood as the capacity to get forcibly impregnated, nothing at all alarming do carry on with your day.
2019 October 23, Dreamer of Shipwrecks (@SeerofterribleO), Twitter[6]:
I get the impression that people who use social construct in the way gendercritters use it think that once upon a time a group of old dudes sat around a table and came up with this specific thing called “gender” just for the purpose of oppressing women, probably for the lols.
2020 February 28, Iza Pride (@IzabelaKaramia), Twitter[7]:
Have gendercritters tried blaming coronavirus on trans people yet?
2020 June 26, Mó, a Queer, a female Queer (@MoObstreperous), Twitter[8]:
Gendercritters, otoh, get funding from far-right groups in the US, who are most definitely misogynistic.
2021 June 5, Rebecca (@GellmanRebecca), Twitter[9]:
Is it me, or are the gendercritters getting more desperate and offensive in their Genuine Concerns™?