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Pochutec citations of gʼlazt

  • claxtl – Apolonio Rosario's transcription[1]
  • gʼlazt — pronunciation of Andrea Castillo, Feliciana, Francisca, Joaquina, Sabina Martínez, Paula Nicha, Mauricia Riquel, and Maria Trinidad, as transcribed by Boas[1]
  • gˀlaȼ ~ glaȼ — pronunciations of Knab's informant "B"[2]
  • laˀ ~ laȼ — pronunciations of Knab's informant "A"[2]
  • quigʼlazquiʹt ("women")  — pronunciation of Sabina Martínez and Paula Nicha, as transcribed by Boas[1]
  • nogʼlazt ("my wife") — pronunciation of Francicsa and Joaquina, as transcribed by Boas[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Boas, Franz (1917 July) “El Dialecto mexicano de Pochutla, Oaxaca”, in International Journal of American Linguistics (in Spanish), volume 1, number 1, →DOI, →JSTOR, pages 9–44
  2. 2.0 2.1 Knab, Tim (1980 July) “When is a language really dead: The case of Pochutec”, in International Journal of American Linguistics, volume 46, number 3, →DOI, →JSTOR, pages 230–233