That fucktrumpet Martin, however... My hands curl into fists.
2016, Andy Dawson, Get in the Sea!: An Apoplectic Guide to Modern Life, unnumbered page:
Arseholes (and it's always arseholes) are taking the swearwords that we love and skillfully deploying and fluffing them up, thereby completely ruining them. I'm talking cockwomble, I'm talking twatbadger, I'm talking shitwizard, cuntpuffin, and I'm talking fucktrumpet.
“Baby, just because your father was a fucktrumpet of the highest order —and don't get me wrong, he was a fucktrumpet—doesn't mean that all men, or even most men are. […]
“Holy shit balls, mother of frozen tundra, damn, hell, icy ass fucktrumpet.” Corey let fly every curse that sprang to mind as she splashed down into the frigid water.
And everything still looked the same. Sleeping hot guy? Check. Fancy hotel room? Check. The only thing covering me—a sheet? Check. Ring on my finger? Check.