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English citations of fraktur, Fraktur, fractur, and Fractur

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1861, John Jackson, William Andrew Chatto, and Henry George Bohn, A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical: With Upwards of Three Hundred Illustrations Engraved on Wood, 2nd ed., H.G. Bohn, p 283:
    [note] The kind of character in which the text of Sir Theurdank is printed is called “Fractur” by German printers. “The first work,” says Breitkopf, “which afforded an example of a perfectly-shaped Fractur for printing, was unquestionably the Theurdank, printed at Nuremberg, 1517.” . . .
  • 1886, w:Theodore Low De Vinne Historic Printing Types, v ii, p 18:
    Considering its angularity, the name, Fractur, which Germans give to their modern German character is well chosen
  • 1902, Theodore Low De Vinne, The Practice of Typography: A Treatise on Title-Pages, With Numerous Illustrations in Facsimile and Some Observations on the Early and Recent Printing of Books, Haskell House Publishers, p 129:
    Whether in the condensed letters of the fraktur or in the wider letters of schwabacher it to his notion with many curved and irregular lines . . .
  • 1923, David Patrick and William Geddie, Chambers's Encyclopaedia, v 10, W. & R. Chambers, p 292:
    A little later the Fractur or Schwabacher designs, with trifling variations already referred to, were generally adopted throughout Germany until recent times, when the demand for Roman type set in.
  • 1968, Svend Dahl, History of the Book, 2nd ed., Scarecrow Press, p 133:
    Fraktur type was originally made by the Nuremberg type cutter Hieronymus Andreä and from his and other fraktur types developed the form that came into general use in Germany and the countries under her influence during the following centuries and that has continued down to the present day.
  • 1990, Alexander S. Lawson, w:Anatomy of a Typeface, p 24:
    Even in Germany, where Fraktur was for so long the national type, the black letter has had a curious history. . . . [¶] When Adolf Hitler came to power, his national Socialist Party decreed that the Fraktur be considered the only appropriate letter form for the German language.
  • 2004, w:Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style, version 3.0, Vancouver: Hartley & Marks:
    [p 323] The categories of blackletter include bastarda, fraktur, quadrata, rotunda and textura.
    [p 316] Single and double primes should not be confused with apostrophes, dumb quotes or genuine quotation marks, though in some faces (frakturs especially) these glyphs may all have a similar shape and a pleasant slope.