Citations:fons honorum
English citations of fons honorum and fontes honorum
- 1973, Luciano Petech, Aristocracy and Government in Tibet, 1728–1959 (Serie Orientale Roma XLV; Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), page 27
- In 1919 Pʻun-kʻaṅ taiji bKra-śis-rdo-rje was appointed kung ⁵, the only attempt by the Dalai-Lama to succede the defunct Chinese Ch’ing dynasty as fons honorum.
- 1996 May 2nd, “Francois R. Velde” (user name), rec.heraldry (Usenet newsgroup), “Re: More on Bogus/Holy Sepulchre, etc.”, Message ID: <>
- There are many fontes honorum in society, of varying prestige to be sure.
- 1999 August 24th, “Noel S. McFerran” (user name), (Usenet newsgroup), “Liechtenstein and Monaco fontes honorum”, Message ID: <>#1/1
- 2000 October 5th, “Murgobald” (user name), rec.heraldry (Usenet newsgroup), “Re: Self-styled vs. bogus, same thing or not?”, Message ID: <>#1/1
- Consider the case of the Religious and Military Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, headed by Professor L.D. Worley, d/b/a HE the Count of Maxalla.
HE does not claim that the “Order” descends directly from some medieval order. He candidly dates it from recent times (1987, IIRC.) On the other hand, he does claim a Fons, a certain Abbot-Bishop George, head of the Holy Protection Monastery in Geneva, Nebraska. This gentleman’s checkered career IIRC, began as a Pentecostal, and ended up in Copticism, with way stations at Hinduism and Gnosticism. Bogosity, thy name is Abbot-Bishop George. I suppose the question is whether HE actually _believes_ that “Orthodox Abbot-Bishops” are fontes honorum.
- Consider the case of the Religious and Military Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, headed by Professor L.D. Worley, d/b/a HE the Count of Maxalla.
- 2002 February 11th (11:23pm), “Francois R. Velde” (user name), (Usenet newsgroup), “Re: Fons honorum germanorum”, Message ID: <>
- It doesn’t seem that the smaller or lower-ranking states behaved as fontes honorum before 1806.
- 2003 January 14th (3:03pm), “Trey” (user name), rec.heraldry (Usenet newsgroup), “Re: Feudal Barons?”, [Message ID unknown]
- Maybe you should realize that very few legitimate fontes honorum would even consider offering titles on their website.
- 2008 January 13th (10:09pm), “Nathaniel Taylor” (user name), rec.heraldry (Usenet newsgroup), “Re: Howe prior fantasies / frauds (?)”, Message ID: <>
- Guy Stair-Sainty’s website has a good, erudite section on fantasy royalty, but the pages don’t focus on the fraudulent activities for gain of such people, nor on title sellers who do not themselves pretend to be fontes honorum.