1995 January 5, Gary Clark, “THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS SEXUAL HARASSMENT”, in soc.men[1] (Usenet):
The whole notion of sexual harassment is a lie concocted by the fembitches.
1997 May 19, Laurel Halbany, “Re: Incomprehension of Paternal Abandonment”, in or.politics[2] (Usenet):
Again, you're so busy assuming that I'm a woman, therefore I'm a selfish fembitch, that you didn't read my posts. I *do* support C4M. It's just that I support it in the direction of the default being no-paternity-option-to-assume-it, than being paternity-option-to-deny-it.
2000 April 16, Bali Fergusson, “Re: Like to meet a "nice" lady ?”, in alt.feminism[3] (Usenet):
Why are you so threatened by the prospect that some women arent[sic] such bitches as you and the rest of the fembitches??
2000 September 7, Tony Bounds, “Re: Al Gore, man of honor”, in soc.men[4] (Usenet):
Nothing like the howling and gnashing of teeth heard from the fembitches in response to the accusations made against Clarence Thomas. The same goes for the Democrats.
2007 April 16, Viking [username], “Re: More Commercially Sponsored Empowered Wimmin Crap”, in soc.men[5] (Usenet):
Can live above the skanky feminist culture everyone else has to endure--fembitches and male do-nothing slaves.
2008 February 7, leabu...@gmail.com [username], “Re: Parental Alienation”, in alt.child-support[6] (Usenet):
The fembitches need to keep thier[sic] kids in check, because there are playground rules that says[sic] it's ok for boys to hit girls BACK.