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Citations:faute de mieux

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English citations of faute de mieux

  • 1998, Deepak Lal, Taxation and regulation as barriers to international investment flows:
    As we do not have historical data on identical assets in different markets comparable to the onshore-offshore Euro-currency price differentials which have been used to judge integration today, faut de mieux we have to rely on the quantity route.
  • 2014, Anthony Slide, It's the Pictures That Got Small:, page 202:
    Finally signed Peter Van Eyck for the excellent role of Schwegler, faut de mieux.
  • 2016 May 18, “A century on: What remains of Sykes-Picot”, in Al Jazeera:
    Rather than the political division of the Machreq as the Arab nationalists used to fear, it is the internal divisions within both Syria and Iraq that now seem most salient, suggesting the likelihood, faut de mieux, of the emergence of a loose type of federal structure based very largely on ethnic and sectarian difference, with official and unofficial checkpoints marking the boundaries in between.
  • 2013, Nicole Gaiziunas, Manager Moving Mountains:
    What I actually wanted to do at this point is warn you about this t-de-mieux pseudo-solution.