1998 January 17, Rob Browning, “Re: The Tale of Kain Aron Highwind, Chapter 39”, in alt.games.final-fantasy[1] (Usenet):
BTW, since lemons fall under the jurisdiction of fanficdom, they also belong in AGFF and AGFFF.
1999 March 3, Sining [username], “[Ranma][AMG][Fanfic] Oh my...Ranma? #4”, in rec.arts.anime.creative[2] (Usenet):
I'm just a poor student trying to contribute to fanficdom.
1999 May 22, The Emu [username], “Re: Use of pseudonyms”, in alt.startrek.creative[3] (Usenet):
It applies particularly in fanficdom. I used to run an XF archive, and I once recieved[sic] three requests in as many weeks for author's names to be removed because their bosses had been wandering a little too close to their corner of cyberspace or because a reader had contacted them in RL.
2001 March 30, The Trinker [username], “I wish!”, in alt.callahans[4] (Usenet):
The Trinker quietly considers *another* meaning of 'slash-related' within fanficdom, and turns purple from the effort not to laugh.
2009 May 15, Alan Heah, “Re: NEW AOS; Dear Jim (Spock Prime), PG, 1/1 (Short Piece)”, in alt.startrek.creative[5] (Usenet):
I feel canon & commerce do not acknowledge gratitude deep & often enough to fanficdom!