saw a TERF calling herself 'factfem' today, the lack of self-awareness is astounding. I think it's just evidence that many transphobes can't fathom the existence of transgender folk; feeling hurt in their egos and their matter-off-factness, they double down on ignorance.
2020 January 11, Lorelei (@hatpinwoman), Twitter[2]:
Polite factfems help people outside of this discussion wake up 🥰
2020 January 11, Inappropriate Happiness (@gaytoastu), Twitter[3]:
A factfem until I get pissed off admittedly Or realize some people won't respond to facts
2020 January 11, Nettie Stevens (@RosaDaughter), Twitter[4]:
I'm a factfem by education but my inner scream, contained by socialisation 11
2020 July 25, lez-being (@separatismrules), Twitter[5]:
I think I’m a blunt factfem, one step closer to nice than rudefem, am I being to generous? What do you gyns think? 🤣
2020 November 3, holló toncsi (@_carnoterf), Twitter[6]:
i was as factfem patient as possible with her and she agreed to take a look at some theory/literature from folders i saved which is good bc ultimately whether we agree 100% is up to only her but the dissonance between this and everything else is a bit strong for me to handle rn
I feel like I should warn my influx of new followers that I am typically a rudefem. Sometimes a factfem when Im a good mood, but Im usually an asshole lol.