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English citations of exacervation

  • 1804, Andrew Duncan, “Annals of Medicine for the Year 1802”, in The Annual Review and History of Literature[1], volume 2, page 716:
    A case is given in which bleeding, blistering, nitrous and antimonial medicines had all been employed without advantage, for very violent pneumonic symptoms, indicated by incessant cough, acute pain of the side, strong, full, and quick pulse, with violent exacervations of fever.
  • 1851, Martha Martell, Second Love[2], page 285:
    “Mother, just make yourself as easy as you can ; valetudinarians who venture upon the briny deep must learn to bear exacervation ;” said Mr. Teak loudly, as he cooly arranged his chess-men
  • 1953, The Japanese Journal of Tuberculosis, volume 2, page 368:
    The typical immuno-pathologic appreciation of this reaction could be presented in a few cases of acute exacervations. In these cases the titers in the reaction ran down with the onset of exacervation and rose in higher titer than before exacervation after the period of about two weeks.
  • 1958, M. Okubara, R. Monba, K. Konoda, K. Honda, H. Katamoto, K. Kinuya, “The treatment of a malignant tumor by radioactive gold (Au198)”, in Proceedings of the Second Japan Conference on Radioisotopes[3], page 1124:
    One case had re-exacervation of the tumor within the pelvic cavity six months later and died with nephrocystitis and septicemia.
  • 1976 May, Sinniah R, Pwee HS, Lim CH, “Glomerular lesions in asymptomatic microscopic hematuria discovered on routine medical examination”, in Clinical Nephrology[4], volume 5, number 5:
    [] and 11 patients with macroscopic hematuria, painless or associated with "acute nephritis" had similar glomerular lesions. Raised ASOT levels suggest the role of an upper respiratory infection in the exacervation or precipitation of this lesion.