English citations of etymology
1583 1590 | 1693 | 1705 | |||||
ME « | 15th c. | 16th c. | 17th c. | 18th c. | 19th c. | 20th c. | 21st c. |
- 1583, Brian Melbancke, Philotimus, page 98:
- Amonge all other Artes, forgett not the Mathematikes. for the Etymologie of their name, exhortes you to learne them.
- 1590, Thomas Lodge, Rosalynde. Euphues golden legacie:
- Other reasons more particular (right Honorable) chalenge in me a speciall affection to your L. as being a scholler with your two noble sonnes, Master Edmond Carew & M. Robert Carew, (two siens worthie of so honourable a tree, and a tree glorious in such honourable fruite) as also being scholler in the Vniuersitie vnder that learned and vertuous Knight Sir Edward Hobbie, when he was Batchelor in Arts, a ma[n] as well lettered as well borne, and after the Etymologie of his name soaring as high as the wings of knowledge can mount him, happie euerie way, & the more fortunate, as blessed in the honor of so vertuous a Ladie.
- 1693, John Dryden, The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis, page 26:
- But in former times, the Name of Satire was given to Poems, which were compos’d of several sorts of Verses; such as were made by Ennius, and Pacuvius; more fully expressing the Etymology of the word Satire, from Satura, which we have observ’d —
- 1705, Aristotle; anonymous, transl., Aristotle’s Art of Poetry, page 28:
- The Etymology which the Dorians give, seems indeed more probable, than that of the Athenians; for how can Comodein, be made of the word Comazein.