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English citations of engolden

  1. Engolden.
    • a. 1854, P. F. Roe (uncertain), Proëm, verse 21:
        Hived Hill, that teem’st with yellow wealth untold,
      The rich Australia of translucent gold,
      Pregnant with many a vegetable mine,
      And secret cell of softest saccharine! —
      Hail, dulcet ore, distill’d from mellowest bowers, —
      Of fragrant taste, — the syrupy bloom of flowers! —
      The floral richness of engolden’d dells, —
      The marrow of the painted Asphodels!
    • 1873, William Henry Karslake, The theory of prayer, page 87:
      Blessings on his family and household, blessings on his friends and relations, blessings showered abundantly on himself, engolden the life of the man of prayer.
    • 1880, Arthur Mursell, Addresses to the working people of Birmingham, page 198:
      [] it could only be because the devil has so effectually sustained his claim upon them that no sunshine could engolden them, and no heaven could hold them.
    • 1883, Charles Harpur, Early Summer, verse 1:
      ‛TIS the early Summer season, when the skies are clear and blue, —
      When wide warm fields are glad with corn as green as ever grew,
      And upland growths of wattles engolden all the view.
    • 1897, Pearee Mohun Choudry, The Present Paradise, page 229:
      Science and industry are the Philosopher’s stones which engolden one’s circumstances; but they cannot engolden one’s self.
    • 1907, Arthur Stringer, The Woman in the Rain: And Other Poems, page 7:
      Yet I shall know her as she was of old,
      Fashioned of moonlight and Ægean foam;
      Some visionary gleam, some glory strange
      Shall day by day engolden her lost face;
      The slow attrition of the years shall wear
      No luring charm away, and she shall live
      A lonely star, a gust of music sweet,
      A voice upon the Deep, a mystery!
    • a. 1916, Brookes More, The Beggar’s Vision, verses 1–2:
      The blessed angel, Israfil,
      On Alicon’s engolden’d hill,
      Heard by the saints when night is still — [¶]
      [¶] Ten thousand, thousand joyous notes,
      Sweet as when through the forest floats
      The silvery joys of feathered throats.
    • 1930, Victor Wallace Germains, The Kitchener Armies: The Story of a National Achievement, page 301:
      Chivalry will take it to her bosom, Romance will lend to it her soft engoldenment, History will enmesh it with her fairy-like enchantment.