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English citations of encolden

  1. (transitive, rare, chiefly literary) Render cold; chill.
    • 1840: Owen Felltham, Resolves, Divine, Moral and Political, ⅩⅬⅦ: Of Death, p125
      The spirits shrink inward, and retire to the anguished heart : as if, like sons pressed from an indulgent father, they would come for a sad valé, from that which was their life’s maintainer : while that in the mean time pants with affrighting pangs ; and the hands and feet, being the most remote from it, are by degrees encoldened to a fashionable clay : as if death crept in at the nails, and by an insensible surprize, suffocated the environed heart.
    • 1909, Harold Brian Steele, Poems of Harold Brian Steele with Biographical Introduction, page 17:
      Golden and glowing and glowing and golden,
         Hills and sky and hills.
      Warm wind blowing, and blowing encolden,
         Chills and warms and chills.
      Brown are the woods at the base of the hills,
      Brown are the fields where the oat-straws were,
      Gold are the leaves where the sunset wills
         That winds shall stir.
    • 2001: Göran Kjellmer, English Studies, Volume 2, Issue 2 (April): Why Weaken But Not *Strongen? On Deadjectival Verbs, pp166–167 [Article Link]
      The 24 verb-forming adjectives with more than 100 occurrences in LOB are the following in order of frequency. The corresponding verb in Brown 1963 is given alongside.
      […]   […]
      red   redden
      dead   deaden
      wide   widen
      cold   encolden
      dark   darken
      deep   deepen
      major   majorize
      Brown 1963 gives no frequencies, but even if it is obvious to a speaker of English that some of the verbs given are rarely used (ensmall, enfree, biggen), their inclusion in his lists could reasonably be taken as an indication that they exist.
    • 2007: Tim Blair, Gore Flanked, on Friday the 16th day of February at 12:05pm; repeated by: “BONZ0”, aus.invest (Google group): Gore Effect Worse Than Ever, on Tuesday the 20th day of March at 2:11am
      Terrifyingly, considering Gore’s ability to encolden any region, his concert sites aren’t limited to city venues:
         One concert will take place in Antarctica, Gore said.