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English citations of disord

  • 1583, Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, A defensatiue against the poyson of supposed prophesies [] :
    NOwe let vs pose them once againe with hys demaunde, whither the false prophets of thys age, agree together in theyr aimes, for thys note Paule embraceth as the rest, publishing in all the churches that God was not the God of disorde, but of vnity.
  • 1652, Alexander Ross, Walter Raleigh, “An Alphabeticall Table, containing the Persons, Places, and Principall Matters in the Second Part of the History of the World”, in The history of the world the second part in six books, being a continuation of famous history of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight:
    Lewis the eleventh of France [] soweth disord among the Princes
  • 1685, Nathaniel Thompson, “A Congratulation of the Protestant-Joyner to Anthony King of Poland, upon his Arrival in the Lower World”, in A collection of 86 loyal poems, page 87:
    From them I'm come, and this blest News I bring,
    Discord is dead, and they have chosen you King.
    Pride, Envy, Malice, Hell would soon decay.
    Should Peace appear, and Disord fade away.