Our limiting adjectives fall into two sub-classes of determiners and numeratives. [...] The determiners are defined by the fact that certain types of noun expressions (such as house or big house) are always accompanied by a determiner (as, this house, a big house).
1992 — Tom McArthur (ed.), The Oxford Companion to the English Language, page 287
Determiners include the articles and words traditionally classified as kinds of adjective or pronoun.
1994 — Edward Finegan, Language: Its Structure and Use, 2nd ed., page 82
Determiners constitute another word class that can occur with nouns as part of a noun phrase: a book, an orchestra, the players, this problem, those guys.
2005 — Paul R. Kroeger, Analyzing Grammar: An Introduction, page 38
Determiners: includes articles (a, the), demonstratives (this, that), and quantifiers (all, some, many, etc.)
2002 — Rodney Huddleston & Geoffrey K. Pullum, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, page 354
The determiner is a key function in the structure of the NP. ... We distinguish, then, between the concepts of determiner, a function in the structure of the NP, and determinative, a category of words (and certain larger expressions) whose distinctive syntactic property concerns their association with the determiner function.