Old French citations of contree
- Porpense soi qu'il porra faire,
Com la porra a soi atraire,
Car n'ose aler en sa contree.
- He was thinking of what he could do,
- How he would attract her to him,
- For he dared not go to her country.
- Ainsi est en la queste entree
Et trespassa mainte contree
C'onques nouveles n'en aprinst,
- And so she started her quest
- She went across many lands
- But was unable to have any news,
- En la cuntree ala chacier[,]
La u li seneschal maneit,
El chastel u la dame esteit,
herberjat li reis la nuit[.]
- He went in the country hunting
- There where the senechal lived
- The castle where the lady lived
- Was where stayed the king.