The New York Times article says one man who might be carborexic drives his car on waste vegetable oil and has no heating or air conditioning units in his condo.
2009 — "Extreme green: These guys don't just recycle", The Idaho Statesman, 31 May 2009:
The ways they slash impact might seem eccentric, even "carborexic." The term surfaced last year to describe an unhealthy compulsion to reduce one's carbon footprint, akin to anorexic people who count every calorie at the expense of all else.
Mitchell Joachim is re-designing cities all over the world from scratch. He'll show you what future "carborexic" cities will look like, and why "sustainability" is a sissy.
The former vice president, who is cited as an inspiration by some carborexics, is the founder of the Alliance for Climate Protection, a nonprofit group that sponsors the We Campaign.
A carborexic is someone who has become irrationally compulsive in their efforts to reduce their impact on the planet, and who becomes stressed when dealing with those whose sensibilities are not so finely attuned.
2008 — Ruth Tierney, "Are you carborexic?", The Sunday Times, 9 November 2008:
They have been identified as “carborexics”, or energy anorexics, in a report that found evidence of a whole gamut of strange behaviours masquerading under the eco label.
They probably know more than one ecotarian (a person who only eats food that has been produced in an environmentally friendly manner) and plenty of carborexics (those obsessed with reducing their carbon footprint).