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Latin citations of auctor


  • c. 200 BCE, Plautus, Stichus 129:
    at enim nos quarum res agitur aliter auctores sumus. / nam aut olim, nisi tibi placebant, non datas oportuit / aut nunc non aequom est abduci, pater, illisce apsentibus.
    • 2013 translation by Wolfgang de Melo
      But we, whose situation is at stake, advise you differently: either we ought not to have been given in marriage to the men back then, if you didn’t like them, or else it isn’t right for us to be taken away now in their absence, father.
  • 8 CE, Ovid, Fasti 5.192:[1]
    optima tu proprii nominis auctor eris
    • Translation by David Langslow
      you (Flora) will be the best guarantor of your own name


  1. ^ Wackernagel, Jacob (2009) [1926] “Lecture II, 3”, in David Langslow, transl., Lectures on Syntax, Oxford University Press, page 431