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government by obnoxious multi-millionaires

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  • 2006 October 5, islanders, “Another Family Values Republican”, in alt.obituaries[1] (Usenet):
    Whicg[sic] of these did the assholeocrats get rid of?
  • 2007, Tristan Clark, Stick this in your memory hole, Aduki Independent Press, Australia, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 4:
    I don't know how we have a multitude of names for essentially the name thing: being subjugated by a singular arsehole or grouping of arseholes. Could simply gather them under a uniform label: Arseholeocracy
  • 2008 October 13, islanders, “POL: Guess who's not coming to dinner (Roger Ebert)”, in alt.obituaries[2] (Usenet):
    He is the elder statesman of tge[sic] assholeocrat party.
  • 2011 March 4, Matt Taibbi, “Airline Travelers vs. Lobbyists to the Transportation Security Administration”, in Rolling Stone[3], →ISSN:
    Sirota’s dissent went as follows: “Ruling these kind of people as all assholes is too broad a ruling, because the Assholeocracy legally forces private economic actors to think solely of their profits - and nothing more. That's their legal and fiduciary responsibility, consequences be damned. Many of them might individually be assholes, but as a blanket rule, you can't say they are all automatically assholes simply because they work within the ubiquitous Assholeocracy.”
  • 2011 December 13, Geoffrey K. Pullum, “The assholocracy”, in Language Log[4]:
    We are living, he observed, in the age of the assholocracy. He's right, you know.
  • 2011 December 14, Marvin King, “Rage Against the Assholocracy”, in Politic365[5]:
    It does not matter if the few are a handful of obscenely rich capitalists, totalitarian atheists, or religious autocrats; the common theme is that protests feel abused by the assholocracy.
  • 2012 January 6, Jerry Friedman, “2011 Lexical Item of the Year nominees”, in alt.usage.english[6] (Usenet):
    And "occupy" (in its new senses) wins! My favorite was "assholocracy", which won "most outrageous". If one wanted to say that more classically, how would one do it?
  • 2012 January 19, Kevin Rafferty, “Facing a dystopian future”, in The Japan Times[7], →ISSN:
    The word of the year for 2011 chosen by the American Dialect Society was "occupy," though some radical spirits recommended "assholocracy," which they defined as rule by multimillionaires. Assholocracy won the award for the outrageous word of the year.
  • 2012 January 23, Mark H. Teeter, “OMG! It’s the Word of the Year!”, in The Moscow News[8]:
    And in Most Outrageous – and, we’d better add, Least Likely to Appear in the Mainstream Media or Polite Conversation – there’s assholocracy, concisely defined as “rule by obnoxious multi-millionaires.”
  • 2012 February 11, Roly Sussex, “The Word”, in The Courier-Mail, →ISSN, page 23:
    Most Outrageous: "assholocracy", meaning rule by the disgustingly super-rich.
  • 2012 February 18, Ruth Wajnryb, “New fronts in war of the words; The Essay”, in Sydney Morning Herald[9], →ISSN, page 22:
    There are blends ... new additions to pre-existing blends, like assholocracy (think previous coinages for example, kleptocracy, kindergarchy); pop culture-inspired tongue-in-cheekery, like kardash; and new additions to a lexical field, like dairyness (which reminds me of truthiness of a few years ago, being the truth as you would like it to be, rather than as it is).
  • 2013 June 7, Jerry Friedman, “Re: "asshole"”, in alt.usage.english[10] (Usenet):
    However, it is somewhat funny to call the current government of the US, and those of some other countries, an assholocracy.