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English citations of aromatique


1632 1638
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 17th Century, Thomas Carew quoted in The works of Thomas Carew, page #96:
    Then, whilst the aromatique odours burne,
    In honour of their darling's safe returne,
    The Muse's quire shall thus, with voyce and hand,
    Blesse the fayre gale that drove his ship to land :—
     Sweetly breathing vernall ayre,
     That with kind warmth doest repayre
     Winter's mines, from whose brest
     All the gums and spice of th’ east
     Borrow their perfumes ; whose eye
     Guilds the morne and cleares the skie,
     Whose dishevel’d tresses shed
     Pearles upon the violet bed,
     On whose brow, with calme smiles drest,
     The halcion sits and builds her nest;
     Beautie, youth, and endlesse spring,
     Dwell upon thy rosie wing.
  • 1632, An Ode Gratulatorie, in The Works of the English Poets, page #487:
    The very verdure of her nest,
    Wherein she sits so richly drest,
     As all the wealth of seaon there was spread ;
    Doth show the Graces and the Houres
    Have multipli’d their arts and powers,
     In making soft her aromatique bed.
  • 1638, Thomas Herbert, Some Yeares Travels into Divers Parts of Asia and Afrique, page #236:
    Nor want they the knowledge of herbs,drugs, and gums, the Mydan in Spahawn abounding in ſingular variety , and than which, no place in the world can more aptly be termed a Panacæa, a Catholicon, of herbs, of drugs; a Magazeins ’gainſt all diſeaſes : having alſo no leſſe choice of delicious fruits, rare gums and aromatique odours.