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English citations of alt-left

  • 2016 July 20, Ubiquitous <web...@polaris.net>, “Re: RNC Day 2 - Line-by-Line”, in rec.arts.tv (Usenet):
    On the other hand, nobody ever complains about the alt-left, which more or less controls American universities and has considerable influence in other institutions, including the Democratic Party..... The alt-left is alive and well, and it takes its cues from (or gives them to) the New York Times editorial page.
  • 2016 August 30, Dänk 42Ø, “Beam Me Up Scotty”, in alt.society.liberalism (Usenet), message-ID <Zhbxz.14328$5m.6306@fx27.iad>:
    *Rumination* -/ #77 - All Republicans are criminals. Some just haven't been indicted by the alt-Left.
  • 2016 October 20, rbowman <bow...@montana.com>, “Re: Warning: The Shackles Are Off!”, in alt.politics.republicans,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,talk.politics.guns (Usenet), message-ID <e6s0vnFnfa6U1@mid.individual.net>:
    The alt-right and alt-left need to chill, sit down, and compare notes. They have a lot more in common with each other than with the oligarchs running the political establishment.