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Latin citations of aliquis

Ablative singular aliqui

  • c. 190 BCE, Plautus, Epidicus 332:
    Si hercle habeam, pollicear lubens, verum aliquid aliqua aliquo modo / alicunde ab aliqui aliqua tibi spes est fore meliorem fortunam.
  • c. 189 BCE, Plautus, Truculentus 922:
    Hercle vero serio, / quamquam ego tibi videor stultus, gaudere aliqui me volo; / nam quamquam tu es bella, malo tuo, nisi ego aliqui gaudeo.
    • 1912 translation by Henry Thomas Riley
      Although I seem a simpleton to you, I like myself to have a bit of recreation. For pretty though you are, you are so to your own loss, unless I amuse myself a bit with you.