Doctor Who and Sherlock showrunner Steven Moffat has "come clean" about the possibility of a crossover 'Wholock' episode between the two shows, saying he wants to do it but his "killjoy" colleagues Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are in the way.
2014, Ng Cheng Cheng, "Youth Networking Interactions: Performing Identity Online Through Stance and Humour", thesis submitted to the National University of Singapore, page 84
Nonetheless, a stance analysis of a few of his usual remarks to his fellow Wholock enthusiasts revealed some interesting characteristics: […]
2015, Paul Booth, Playing Fans: Negotiating Fandom and Media in the Digital Age, page 44 (image caption):
Figure 7. "Wholock AU," Tumblr, karlimeaghan.
2015, Eckart Voigts, "The Politics of Mash-Up Transgression and the Polyprocess of Cultural Jazz", in The Politics of Adaptation: Media Convergence and Ideology (eds. D. Hassler-Forest & P. Nicklas), pages 88-89:
John Smith's production of 'Wholock,' a mash-up of Sherlock and Dr Who with excellent production values and impressive amateur special effects with over 2.8 million YouTube views, is an example of vitality and gained the producer deserved recognition.
2016, Alexis Bartolomucci, "'Dr. Who" meshes with 'Sherlock' at the library", Poland Neighbors (Poland, OH), 2 January 2016, page 3 (image caption):
Different crafts were available for people to make while enjoying the "WhoLock."
2016, Kieron Moore, All-Consuming Fire review, Starburst, February 2016, page 26:
So stop worrying about how it fits into the continuity and enjoy this lovingly crafted retro-Wholock; though the later part of the story may rely on one sci-fi action cliche too many, spending time in the company of McCoy's Doctor, Briggs' Holmes, and respective companions is a delight.
2019, Paul Booth, Crossing Fandoms: SuperWhoLock and the Contemporary Fan Audience, page 89:
Neither Ben nor Thom knew much about SuperWhoLock, for instance, although they knew of WhoLock.
2020, Robert Smith & Graeme Burk, Who Is The Doctor 2, unnumbered page:
Ben Pickles, from Vancouver, had designed a popular YouTube Doctor Who–Sherlock mash-up called WhoLock.
Proper noun: "(fandom slang) the crossover ship of The Doctor from Doctor Who and Sherlock from the eponymous television series"
2013, Teresa Forde, "You Anorak': The Doctor Who Experience and Experiencing Doctor Who, in Doctor Who: Fan Phenomena (ed. Paul Booth), page 63:
Similar readings still proliferate in contemporary fan writing; for example, on Tumblr with the relationship between Amy Pond and the Doctor, as in the ‘ship Amy/Doctor, or even the Doctor and Sherlock Holmes making the crossover relationship of Wholock (see Nistasha Perez’s chapter in this volume).