1996 February 13, BeBe 4 LC, “Possibilities, Possibilities”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[1] (Usenet):
Part 1 was all the wonderfully WAFFy scenes of them getting ready to be married.
1996 March 16, Zoomway, “Updated Spoilers on OW”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[2] (Usenet):
L&C do get back together in a very waffy manner, but, well, you'll have to decide if you really care at this point<g>
1996 March 25, Richard K Bethell, “YES! YESS! YES! (Spoilers)”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[3] (Usenet):
But I especially loved the WAFFy moment in space at the end in which things come full circle, and I loved that Lois settled her "unfinished business" with Dr. Deter.
1996 March 25, Michael Wasczcak, “Re: did tptb listen to us?”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[4] (Usenet):
Also I knew we were in for a WAFFY episode, because the stock was up 3-7/8!!!!!
1996 March 26, Zoomway, “Re: "Oedipus Wrecks"”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[5] (Usenet):
The Show remembers who FOLC is. The Show punches ABC in the nose. And then FOLC and The Show spend a waffy moment getting reacquainted.
1996 March 27, Minuteman, “Re: The sigh heard around the world!!”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[6] (Usenet):
The sad thing is that after having endured the last several episodes where my hopes for a nice romantic adventure story are repeatedly crushed, I found the WAFFy ending to be hollow, contrived and not in the least bit sincere.
1996 April 22, Eric Johns, “Someone To Lean On 1/2”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[7] (Usenet):
SUMMARY: Not much to say. After an emotional day, Scully and Mulder bond platonically over beer and pizza. Lots of WAFFy moments.
1996 April 23, Colonel X, “Re: Opinion: Never On Sunday”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[8] (Usenet):
The WAFFy conclusions seem to satisfy hordes of viewers, much in the way the conclusions of "Beauty and the Beast" did several years back.
1996 May 13, Howard M. Blank, “BGDF....My personal opinion.”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[9] (Usenet):
It wasn't AS WAFFy, but I thought it was nice that the fact that because she knew him so well, and they loved each other so much, it allowed him to speak to her telepathically.
1996 May 14, Sarah dugan, “Re: BGDF....My personal opinion.”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[10] (Usenet):
i'm still getting misty-eyed when i think of all those WAFFy scenes. that was at least a 1/2 a tissue box night!
1996 May 13, Jo, “Big Girls Don't Fly”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[11] (Usenet):
The thing is, there wasn't enough WAFFy moments between Lois and Clark.
1996 June 21, Karen Fung, “Re: If you could have one superpower...”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[12] (Usenet):
On the subject of surveys, I'd like to tell you about the one I'm holding for the 5 people that like L&C at my school. =) I'd like to know what you think is the WAFFiest ep, the ep with the best Villain-plot, the ep that you think is the most scientifically correct/believable(there's a glance in your direction, Brad Ferguson, when I say that. =), and the one with the most action. In addition to that, I'd also like to know which ep was the LEAST WAFFy, and et cedera.[sic]
1996 June 23, Karen Fung, “Re: New Krypton! Ooh! Ooh!!!”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[13] (Usenet):
HAH! 'None of that soapy stuff'. I was the width of the letter 'I' from saying it was the WAFFiest (Warm-and-fuzzy-feeling-est) episode of this season.
1996 October 21, KalElFan, “Re: There Can Be Only One”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[14] (Usenet):
Relationship focus: sex on the ceiling (great camera work there <g>), cute elevator scene, more kissing, househunting, etc, and it all gets topped off with one of the WAFFiest endings I think the show has ever had.
1996 October 24, Yasmine L. Gourdain, “Re: BY Review”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[15] (Usenet):
He finally lost that restraint that kept him from "being" Clark/Superman. It was an amazing scene to watch and one of the WAFFiest i've seen on L&C! :)
1998 September 11, Seraphis1, “Re: What happened to Jimmy?”, in alt.tv.lois-n-clark[16] (Usenet):
This was truly a family group. It gave you a WAFFY buzz the[sic] see them working together. They were truly a family. Because, underneath the surface you feel they loved and respected one another in the way family members can.
1999 December 28, Bastion, “[DARK][Songfic] This Is Not Hell (R)”, in alt.fan.sailor-moon[17] (Usenet):
Now if you are unfortunate enough to read on, immediately read some WAFFy fiction or something by Helm to wash out the bitter taste.
2000 March 10, paradoxymoron, “Re: Trial: 6/6”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[18] (Usenet):
Nice. I made with the "warm and fuzzy feelings" more than once. Very WAFFy. Good.
2000 March 13, Perfect Chaos, “Re: [OT] Gundam voices”, in alt.fan.sailor-moon[19] (Usenet):
Read too many shounen ai fics tonight....very WAFFY.
2001 July 26, Mad-Hamlet, “FIC: Feather Roads- Talking the Talk”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[20] (Usenet):
Authors notes: A little short, a little rushed..but a friend was in desperate need of a WAFFY fic after reading Sundowning. I _live_ for those moments.
2001 December 7, Sara Jaye, “[Fanfic] Sleepless Nights”, in alt.fan.sailor-moon[21] (Usenet):
This is a sad yet WAFFy Kunzite&Zoisite fic.
2002 January 18, Megane 6.7, “[MSTing][FANFIC] Sometimes”, in alt.fan.sailor-moon[22] (Usenet):
Crow: Damn straight! This fic set up a perfectly good lemon situation and then threw it all away for a WAFFy moment! Where's the hentai?!? WHERE'S THE JUSTICE?!?
2002 March 13, Sara Jaye, “[Fanfic] Failure”, in alt.fan.sailor-moon[23] (Usenet):
I've had ideas about writing an "After episode 33" story a few times, but they weren't much more than WAFFy little scenes of Zoisite tending to Kunzite's hands. ^_^;;
2002 May 21, Prince Charon, “Challenge - Light and Easy”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[24] (Usenet):
After watching both season finales back-to-back, I'd just like to see something non-angsty. Maybe set it in the first season, or have a WAFFy W/T moment, or something light and cute with Faith?