1992 November 11, Peter Nelson, “Protectionism as investment”, in sci.econ[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2023-03-21:
This is a nice, theoretical Usenetian argument. The problem is that we would need much, MUCH better crystal balls to predict these things.
1994 October 26, Dianne Hackborn, “Ignore Ford Thaxton, maybe...”, in sci.econ[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2023-03-21:
| This is really approaching theater of the absurd proportions....
Or, in modern-day terms, this is rapidly approaching Usenetian proportions... ;)
1999 January 4, reas...@my-dejanews.com, “Scientific Naturalism and Culture Wars”, in alt.atheism[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2023-03-21:
In typical Usenetian fashion, there were a host of replies, many quite thoughtful, which raised a number of issues and contested a number of points. I was particularly gratified by the degree to which these replies compelled me to think more deeply about the issues. I hope to eventually continue dialogue regarding a number of those issues.
1994 April 23, Andrew Lias, alt.atheism[4] (Usenet):
Now imagine that someone wanders into your house and starts loudly lecturing your about the miraculous benefits of vitamin C. You would probably, being a polite Usenetian, ask this person to leave.
2000 March 15, zoe_a...@my-deja.com, “OZONE layer -- its history?”, in talk.origins[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2023-03-21:
lol, Derek, thanks for the window-washing. I can see more clearly now that the dust is gone. Hi, you Usenetian, you...
2001 March 13, Dave Hillstrom, “RubberPants”, in alt.pizza.delivery.drivers[6] (Usenet), retrieved 2023-03-21:
>You failed to answer the question, David.
you're right. i didn't answer it, did i. and now the moment is gone. my one chance to "bond" with this fellow usenetian. a lost opportunity. the closeness that could have been. my soul weeps.
2001 March 13, Ann Keitz, “Shouldn't Enterprise posts be in rec.arts.sf.tv?”, in rec.arts.tv[7] (Usenet), retrieved 2023-03-21:
>> who does he think he is, Dan Tropea or something? > >I've heard the name, but don't know him. Is he nazi-like, as one poster suggested you were acting?
He was an infamous Usenetian who insisted on inappropriately crossposting to groups to "spread discussion" and had his own warped logic to justify it. You seem to be channeling him.
2002 March 28, John Baker, “Who Really Controls the Weather?”, in rec.arts.tv[8] (Usenet), retrieved 2023-03-21:
Friends, Skeptics and Usenetians, lend me your monitors. I come to refute Artie, not to praise him.
2013 August 15, Mike L, “Pondhopping again – punctuation in business correspondence”, in alt.usage.english[9] (Usenet), retrieved 2023-03-21:
No, no, no! Fellow-Usenetians are not strangers. As for the artefactive "L", only Lazza is intimate enough to be alowed to call me "Mr L" - it goes with the head-dress, I believe.