1995 December 4, Larry Myles, “Re: The Cretinish Chretien Angers B.C. and Alberta”, in ont.general[1] (Usenet):
At least Turdeau, another sneaky fiscal idiot.. was good in the bullshit department, and got some of the players to go along with him.
1995 December 5, Cerise Lopez, “French TV in English Canada a Shocking Waste of Taxpayers' Money”, in ont.general[2] (Usenet):
This stupid experiment in social engineering began under Turdeau back in the late sixties with the francoization of both radio and TV English stations and channels.
1996 February 17, Larry Myles, “Re: Chretien is losing it.....”, in ont.general[3] (Usenet):
Remember when Turdeau gave the folks of rural B.C. the finger, and also told someone in the house to fuck off. Punk tactics by punky politicians.
1996 November 10, George Skorpios, “Re: Conrad Black supports Reform Party”, in ont.general[4] (Usenet):
Chretien is yesterday's man. He failed Canada along with Turdeau back in the 1960s and '70s and he is failing us again.
1996 December 3, V.C. Rodgers, “Re: CHRETIEN'S TOP TEN BROKEN PROMISES”, in ont.general[5] (Usenet):
Chretien makes his predecessors Turdeau, Turner and Mulroney look like amateurs.
1996 December 4, Bruce Roberts, “TRUDEAU AND HIS MARXIST HEROES”, in ont.general[6] (Usenet):
During WW II, which Turdeau sat out in Quebec, he probably admired "Uncle Joe" Stalin also.
1996 December 17, Bruce Roberts, “LIBERAL JOHN MANLEY IS OTTAWA'S "PRINCE OF PORK"”, in ont.general[7] (Usenet):
Under the "Turdeau" government back in the late 1970's billions of taxpayers dollars were flushed down in the toilet in the Scientific Research and Develoment scam.
1997 October 8, Erik Trammel, “Auditor-General Assails Ottawa Grits' Crazy Spending”, in ont.general[8] (Usenet):
This does not mean, however, that the Liberals in Ottawa under Jean Chretien have reformed from the wasteful, irrational spending of the Turdeau era.
Proper noun: "(Canada, derogatory) a nickname for Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau"
2015 August 23, Roy, “Re: Mulcair's NDP making inroads in Alberta . . . .”, in can.politics[9] (Usenet):
Turdeau...not ready, not smart, likes carbon tax.
2016 February 23, Greg Carr, “Re: Liberals Shuckin' & Jivin' Over Deficit.”, in can.politics[10] (Usenet):
Turdeau has already broken his promise to run a modest 10 billion dollar deficit it only remains to be seen how huge a hole he will dig.
2016 March 10, Chom Noamsky, “Re: Canada's Unmuzzled Scientists Call for Protection From Future Muzzling”, in can.politics[11] (Usenet):
And it's really simple to do, just point to something that was kept secret under Harper, but liberated under Turdeau, and you can declare victory.
2017 December 4, Greg Carr, “Re: Free Trade And Human Rights”, in can.politics[12] (Usenet):
I despide[sic] the trust fund, elitist Turdeau and have never voted federal Liberal.
2018 December 23, Greg Carr, “Re: China Could Force the US to Release Ms. Meng by Seizing Sheldon Adelson's Chinese Casinos”, in ont.general[13] (Usenet):
Turdeau should stop kissing China's ass like his Dad did.
2019 May 17, Liberals are VERMIN!, “Re: Another major coup for our Trudeau government . . .”, in can.politics[14] (Usenet):
The tail doesn't wag the dog. The Americans allowed this. Turdeau has ZERO influence.
2020 January 15, Byker, “Re: It's Clintons fault Iran shot down plane”, in can.politics[15] (Usenet):