I keep tweeting my objections to him. It’s a bad idea but has become standard in many US states and , of course, Tranada.
2019 September 24, Sister Blaschki (@Blaschki_LE), Twitter[3]:
If I would ever move to another country again I always thought it would be Canada. But "Tranada" seems to be removing women's rights faster than any other Western country. What a disappointment.
2019 December 26, RadFemGem (@gem_fem), Twitter[4]:
Sadly the same is happening in Tranada, where I live.
2020 June 5, The Honourable Yona (@yona1959), Twitter[5]:
Oh Tranada. You are such a disappointment. I never knew you had so many legislators with no respect for women.
2020 September 20, Paintpot (@Paintpot17), Twitter[6]:
Scotland is still the fight we all need to fight, SNP are trying to emulate Tranada.
2020 October 4, Judith Berridge (@betsvigi9), Twitter[7]:
To be honest, I am just happy that there is some push back in Tranada & the US.
2020 November 17, Kira Salmon (@sillybilly700), Twitter[8]:
Jesus Christ!!! Tranada please protect women in prisons from these predators💔