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English citations of Ting-yüan

In Anhui

Map including Ting-yüan (DMA, 1975)
  • 1973, Yu-wen Jen, “Warfare in the Yangtze Valley (1856-1859)”, in The Taiping Revolutionary Movement[1], Yale University Press, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, pages 345, 613:
    During the summer, while Ch’en attacked Lai-an and Ch’u-chou, Wu left Lu-chou for an attack on Ting-yüan with the assistance of Nien chief Kung Te-shu.
    Ting-yüan 定遠 (Anhwei), 339, 345-46
  • 1980, Elizabeth J. Perry, “Protectors Turn Rebels: The Case of the Red Spears”, in Rebels and Revolutionaries in North China, 1845-1945[2], Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 169:
    For example, in 1928, after a Red Spear force succeeded in routing bandits from Anhwei’s Hsü-i and Ting-yüan counties, the brigands regrouped in nearby Hsüchou.
  • 1994 [145–86 BCE], Ssu-ma Chʻien, edited by William Nienhauser, The Grand Scribe's Records[3], volume 1, Indiana University Press, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 206:
    When he reached Yin-ling 陰陵,²⁶⁵ he lost his way and asked an old farmer.[...]
    ²⁶⁵ A county northwest of modern Ting-yüan 定遠 County in Anhwei (Wang Li-ch'i, 7:182n.) about 25 miles east of modern Huai-nan 淮南 City (see also T'an Ch'i-hsiang, 2:19).


  • 1923, Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India[4], volume XLVII, Calcutta, →OCLC, page 159:
    In the neighbourhood of Ting-yüan Hsien, reddish and reddish-violet shales with thin quartzitic bands strike N.N.W.-S.S.B. and dip at from 45° to 50° in a westerly direction.
  • 1938, Berthold Laufer, The American Plant Migration Part I: The Potato[5], →OCLC, page 72:
    In the subprefecture Ting-yüan *[定遠] in the prefecture of Han-chung *[漢中], Shensi Province, according to the local chronicle, "there are four varieties of potato- red, white, yellow, and black. It thrives in the high mountains; it is fond of dry places, but dreads water. It may be taken with rice or used as a vegetable."