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English citations of TERFery and terfery

Noun: "the state or quality of holding trans-exclusionary feminist views"

2019 2020 2021 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2019 June 19, Izzy Rizinti (@BellaRizinti), Twitter[1]:
    There's no amount of terfery or abuse that terfs can throw at me or any other cis person I know who supports trans rights that would make us back down.
  • 2019 December 19, Christa Peterson (@christapeterso), Twitter[2]:
    can't stop thinking about all these British ladies that apparently need the smelling salts because a judge ruled that TERFery isn't an equality act PROTECTED CHARACTERISTIC akin to disability, race, sex, religion or sexual orientation
  • 2019 December 19, SlothHammer 40K (@CaseyExplosion), Twitter[3]:
    I'd not be quick to judge folks who might've liked Rowling's tweet, because let's be real here, it was intentionally deceitful and misleading. It was dogwhistle TERFery that's not immediately obvious unless you're trans or know trans people.
  • 2020 February 16, Emberflux Housetrapped Era (@Emberflux), Twitter[4]:
    Ever notice how a ton of "clockable" traits TERFs claim to spot are just traits that most BIPOC have? Yeah, TERFery is just racism and skull measuring with extra steps.
  • 2020 June 6, Alexandra Erin (@AlexandraErin), Twitter[5]:
    Remember when JK Rowling first started flirting with terfery, maybe not knowing that her likes were visible to others, and her publicist insisted that her liking a transphobic tweet was a "Senior Moment" by someone confused with all this technology?
  • 2020, J. K. Rowling, "J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues", 10 June 2020:
    But accusations of TERFery have been sufficient to intimidate many people, institutions and organisations I once admired, who’re cowering before the tactics of the playground.
  • 2020 June 11, dylan (@InBoyform), Twitter[6]:
    As always the discussion around trans men in the public discourse (now that attention has been brought to us by terfery) has been about how we are erased and underrepresented, treated as traitors to women and invaders in all other spaces
  • 2021, Z. R. Ellor, May the Best Man Win, unnumbered page:
    The theme for Wednesday's spirit day is group costumes–you're supposed to get points for coordination and concept–and we've gathered to work out ours and bitch about the people we hate.
    “Basic TERFery,” Hannah says, pawing through my closet.
  • 2021 October 23, Ana Mardoll (@AnaMardoll), Twitter[7]:
    We're doing the usual road from "just asking questions" to "trans are being mean to me" to full-blown terfery and at this point can we just skip to the end?
  • 2022 March 10, corpse 🧟‍♀️ I Hate it Here (@zombiejerusalem), Twitter[8]:
    ‘Why am I being called a TERF for condemning porn/kink?’
    Because aggressive anti-porn and ‘kink critical’ ideas are historically & inextricably connected to radical feminism & are often gateways to full blown TERFery. Denying this reality is naive and harmful.