Noun: "(incel slang, derogatory) an attractive woman who is sexually active"
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- 2017, Angela Nagle, Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars From 4Chan And Tumblr To Trump And The Alt-Right, unnumbered page:
- Another wrote that 'Chads and Stacy's' should be targeted, referencing a 4chan meme about the normies.
- 2018 April 25, Alex Hern, “Who are the 'incels' and how do they relate to Toronto van attack?”, in The Guardian[1]:
- Hours before the Toronto van attack, a post on the Facebook profile of the chief suspect declared that “the incel rebellion has already begun, we will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys”.
- 2019, Walter S. DeKeseredy, "But Why This Man?: Challenging hegemonic masculinity in an age of repression", in Progressive Justice in an Age of Repression: Strategies for Challenging the Rise of the Right (eds. Elliott Currie & Walter S. DeKeseredy), unnumbered page:
- Incels are anti-feminist men who also have sharp disdain for “Chads” and “Stacys.”
- 2020, Angela Chen, Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex, page 41:
- Incels scoff at Beckys, hoping to score exclusively with Stacys because Stacys alone are the sexual currency that will lead to admiration.
- 2020, David Futrelle, "MGTOW: Coronavirus will be a huge boon to young people as the old and the 'most burdensome' die off", We Hunted the Mammoth, 2 March 2020 (quoted by Lenona on alt.obituaries on 3 October 2020):
- Indeed, while the incels root for the coronavirus to take out Stacies and Chads, some MGTOWs are looking forward to the virus causing widespread deaths among older people. Because older people are 'burdensome' and have money the MGTOWs want for themselves.
- 2020, Anne Hendershott, The Politics of Envy, unnumbered page:
- In contrast, LoveShy had a less stringent moderation policy and users were free to vent about the "Chads and Stacys" – blaming them instead of their own inadequacies for their lack of success with women.
- 2020, Filipa Melo Lopes, "What Do Incels Want?: Explaining Incel Violence Using Beauvoirian Otherness", page 9:
- When Rodger declares war on women, it is the Stacys he is talking about: those “hot, beautiful, blonde” women throwing themselves at domineering men (Rodger 2014, 132).
- 2020, Renata Salecl, A Passion for Ignorance: What We Choose Not to Know and Why, pages 120-121:
- While incels rant against Stacys for only paying attention to alpha men, they desire and despise them at the same time for being, according to the incel stereotype, attractive, spoiled, successful, and promiscuous all at once.
- 2020, Richard Seymour, The Twittering Machine, page 133:
- During the rampage by former student Nikolas Cruz at a Florida high school in September 2017, incel communities were desperately rooting for the killer in the same ironic idiom: scorning the 'normies, stacies and chads' and praying the 'HERO' with the gun would also be 'ugly'.
- 2020, Lisa Sugiura, The Incel Rebellion: The Rise of the Manosphere and the Virtual War Against Women, page xvii:
- Becky – an average young woman, subordinate to Stacy in terms of looks and social status
- 2020, Brian Van Brunt & Chris Taylor, Understanding and Treating Incels: Case Studies, Guidance, and Treatment of Violence Risk in the Involuntary Celibate Community, unnumbered page:
- The incel may attempt to hurt others to gain access to a Stacy.
- 2020, Vanja Zdjelar, "Alone together: Exploring community on an incel forum", thesis submitted to Simon Fraser University, page 6:
- They reason desirable women, so-called “Stacys,” find incels unattractive and undesirable (O’Malley et al., 2020).
- 2020, Karen Ztollznow, On the Offensive: Prejudice in Language Past and Present, page 68:
- A Chad is a popular and attractive man who has no problems finding girlfriends, while Stacy is his female counterpart.
- 2021, Laura Bates, Men Who Hate Women: From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How it Affects Us All, unnumbered page:
- When news emerged of Arzaga's murder, I saw incel forum members describe it as “good news” and suggest that “nothing of value was lost,” as they assumed “she may be a stacy since she works in a spa.”
- 2021, Jilly Boyce Kay, "Abject Desires in the Age of Anger: Incels, femcels and the gender politics of unfuckability", Imagining "We" in the Age of "I": Romance and Social Bonding in Contemporary Culture (eds. Suzanne Leonard & Diane Negra), unnumbered page:
- The description of the group on the Trufemcels subreddit reads: "A community of the truest fo femcels. Vent dear sister. Chad, 'Stacy, and their incel friend Billy Betabuxx are never going to accept us. […]
- 2021, Jacob Johanssen, Fantasy, Online Misogyny and the Manosphere: Male Bodies of Dis/Inhibition, unnumbered page:
- Apart from the Stacy, the Chad figures as a central aspect of the incel worldview.
- 2021, Troy E. McEwan, "Stalking Threat and Risk Assessment", in International Handbook of Threat Assessment (eds. J. Reid Meloy, Jens Hoffmann), page 226:
- Chad: the archetypal ideal male who is tall, white, handsome, and successful in attracting and having sex with women he desires; the young man who can successfully date and have sex with a Stacy
- 2022, David Futrelle, quoted in Megan Sullaway, "Lone Wolves and Wolf Packs: Revenge Porn, Cyber Mobs, and Creepshots", in Indoctrination to Hate: Recruitment Techniques of Hate Groups and How to Stop Them (ed. Edward W. Dunbar), page 248:
- On internet forums like [URL redacted], incels talk endlessly about violent retribution against the 'Chads' (attractive men) and 'Stacies' (attractive women) they blame for their own misery. […]
- 2022, Bonni Rambatan, Event Horizon: Sexuality, Politics, Online Culture, and the Limits of Capitalism, unnumbered page:
- Yet, incels want nothing more than to finally be desired by and be with a Stacy.