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English citations of SJWism

2014 2017 2019 2019
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2014 December 16, Erik Kain, “What #GamerGate Is Actually About”, in Forbes[1]:
    The same journalists who are perceived as being too close to developers, corrupted by relationships and ad dollars, are also the ones telling gamers they're sexist and the games they play are harmful to women. The adversarial nature of reader and writer is compacted between the hammer that is "ethics in game journalism" and the anvil that is "SJWism."
  • 2017, "Love", Re: Don't Be A Damn Victim! (on newsgroup alt.buddha.short.fat.guy)
    He does several heavy takedowns on ideology and identity, mostly but not exclusively in the context of taking down marxist/postmodernist absolutism and identity politics (which is in fact driving SJWism, along with the natural messianic tendencies of young people).
  • 2019 February 1, Samuel James, “We’re All Fundamentalists Now”, in National Review[2]:
    What if, though, we have more in common than they think? What if SJWism and religious fundamentalism are both expressions of a dissatisfaction with the decadence of modernity: its mindless consumerism, its divorce of virtue from culture, and its kowtowing to profit and power?
  • 2019, Sean M Eddington, Organizing and identification within /r/TheRedPill: The communicative constitution of organizational identity online[3], Purdue University Graduate School:
    To TRP members, feminist and SJWs have created a culture that relies on the “protection and propagation of Feminism and SJWism itself, rather than their stated aims.” To that end, these two systems are rooted in maintaining power within society, rather than seeking equity.