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English citations of Qcumber and Qucumber

Noun: "(slang, derogatory) a follower of the QAnon movement"

2020 2021 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
    • 2020 April 19, just_mice33, Twitter[1], archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      I no longer refer to them as 'Qanon people.'
      To me, they will forever be known as Qcumbers.

    • 2020 May 10, HamburdersFrump, Twitter[2], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      The Qcumbers are going to decode this as a message of action..
    • 2020 July 17, NotaNoonoob, “QAnon really puts a strain on relationships”, in Reddit[3], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      You hit on something I have wondered about. It is not usual to see comments on YouTube videos that shower the vlogger with adoration like you see on Q channels.
      Comments are constantly validating the Qcumber with reassurance that they are special, beautiful and loved.
      "I see a special light in you, you beautiful lady - God bless " is not a normal thing to say to strangers online.
    • 2020 July 17, azestyenterprise, “QAnon really puts a strain on relationships”, in Reddit[4], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      Hey, Louie Gohmert's pointy head is just as batsh*t focused as any Qcumber - you just have to give him a chance!
      (Also, do not give him a chance)
    • 2020 July 22, NecraRequiem79, “Twitter bans 7,000 QAnon accounts, limits 150,000 others as part of broad crackdown”, in Reddit[5], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      I'm trying to find sympathy for Qcumbers who will now think that the government is after them in their very homes but I'm also finding that I have no sympathy. Enjoy crazy town, you little piggies.
    • 2020 August 12, AquaChip, “Found this funny”, in Reddit[6], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      This is kinda why I want one Qcumber to be elected to Congress. You’re in the DEEP STATE now buddy! There’s no excuse for you to not crack this case open and expose the satanic pedophile ring!!
      They’ll look real stupid when they’re in Congress for 2 years and have yet to expose the “deep state cabal” they‘re working side-by-side with.
    • 2020 August 21, angolvagyok, “Well...”, in Reddit[7], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      Ah, sorry. The white hats are the good guys. I think it was military and police who pulled the kids out of the tunnels, I dunno, the qcumbers can be a bit contradictory sometimes.
    • 2020 August 24, Vyzantinist, “Absolute best use of this meme format”, in Reddit[8], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      I hate to be pedantic, but it's a shame that t at the end of "isn't" is cut off, otherwise I'd shamelessly be reposting this on Facebook for my Qcumber friends to enjoy.
    • 2020 August 28, Selgin1, “UPDATED GRAPHIC: BIDEN & TRUMP BODY SWITCHED”, in Reddit[9], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      It wouldn't surprise me at all if Qcumbers were also the sort of fundie Christians who believe that magic is real.
    • 2020 September 3, EdTheKat, Twitter[10], archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      Ah yes, the Qcumbers...
    • 2021 January 14, WQualms, Twitter[11], archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      A Twitter search for March 4 inauguration demonstrates how absolutely cray cray the Qcumbers are
    • 2021 January 26, UROCKlive1, Twitter[12], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      I prefer a Congress not made up of Qcumbers and crazy people.
    • 2021 February 4, skg1971, Twitter[13], archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      Now 2 with a spine! Stupid Qcumbers. #Qcumbers #MarjorieTaylorGreene
    • 2021 March 2, PortiaMcGonagal, Twitter[14], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      Prepare for a fresh wave of whining from the QCumbers and anti-vaxxers that they're being persecuted and censored.
    • 2021 March 19, kelsed2020, Twitter[15], archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      Oh lort the Qcumbers will be all over that
    • 2021 April 17, lulu1477, “Why it’s so hard to argue with Qcumbers.”, in Reddit[16], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
    • 2021 July 8, Dixie202021, Twitter[17], archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      They know he is vaxed..the Qcumbers have lots of theories
    • 2021 July 25, HuffmanForNC, Twitter[18], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      "Reich wing Qcumbers get so upset at stores with signs that say "MASK ONLY"!
      Reich wing Qcumbers never got upset when store signs used to say "WHITES ONLY"!"
    • 2021 November 2, TheRachelLeeAnn, Twitter[19], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      Oh Qcumbers, you’ll never learn.
    • 2021 November 8, ruby__nora, Twitter[20], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      Most of these fucking Qcumbers and Q-adjacent creeps don’t even know how to spell her name 😒🙄
    • 2021 November 18, tuxedo_jack, Twitter[21], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      Despite Dustin Clark, Jeremy Story, and other Qcumbers who think they know me and what I look like being at the @RoundRockISD board meeting, they still haven't picked me out yet.

      That reminds me, I need to suggest that RRISD trespass-order anyone suing the district.
    • 2021 November 22, GreenleeGazette, Twitter[22], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      You could ask the same about the Bundy Ranch standoff. My instinct tells me, they were afraid to start an all-out war with the preppers, survivalists, Qcumbers, gun hoarders and other assorted goobers.
    • 2022 April 5, BigWhiteFireDog, Twitter[23], archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      The bots and Qcumbers are strong here!
    • 2022 April 21, LeePemberton14, Twitter[24], archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      Add him to the list. HEY QCUMBERS, WHEE ARE YOU NOW????
    • 2022 June 12, potato_devourer, “TopMinds at r/conspiracy are certain 1/6 is a liberal hoax because pelosi’s son in law interviewed the QAnon Shaman. He was live on tv for the show he’s a reporter on.”, in Reddit[25], TopMindsOfReddit, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      Look at the 2020 elections. Every single accusation of fraud has been proven false. If you ask a conservative who isn't a full-fledged terminally on-line Qcumber about proof it was rigged, they'll concede they simply don't have any smoking gun that serves as denitive proof, but they'll insist "something's off" or "there's too much weird stuff" for them to believe it was a clean election.
    • 2022 June 22, banana_said, Twitter[26], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      Fuck Qcumbers and their cult leader's 3 SCROTUM picks. Errr SCOTUS
    • 2022 July 10, sadtigerfan, Twitter[27], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      This has been thing among the Qucumbers today
    • 2022 July 25, TeahCartel, Twitter[28], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      All MAGAs and Qcumbers are Nazi's.
      MTG she is a Nazi.
    • 2022 August 2, StevenSavage, Twitter[29], archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      Hey @PokerPolitics are the Qcumbers talking "Discovery" anymore?
    • 2022 August 3, CurryPagoda, Twitter[30], archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      The sweet, sweet tears of the Qcumbers flow freely on this post, salut 🥂
    • 2022 September 12, LA-Matt, “Man Murdered Wife, Shot Daughter After Being Sucked Down ‘Q Rabbit Hole,’ Family Confirms”, in Reddit[31], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      Targeted advertising is one thing, but what hooks most of the Qcumbers is the engagement algorithms.
      Sites like Facebook and YouTube use engagement algorithms to feed you more of what gets you riled up, in order to keep you on their service as long as possible, consequences be damned. This is what is radicalizing people.
    • 2022 September 14, penelopepoo, “Someone pointing out how far those goalposts have been moved!”, in Reddit[32], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      If a Qcumber gets Covid, they will say they don’t know what made them sick but will shoot hate lasers from their eyes if you even suggest they’ve got Covid. If they end up in a hospital and get diagnosed there, that just means the staff is lying so they can artificially inflate Covid death numbers and collect higher reimbursement from government Covid programs.
    • 2022 September 14, skatoolaki, “Someone pointing out how far those goalposts have been moved!”, in Reddit[33], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      Anecdotal though it may be, I know all of the qcumbers in my family have only a couple or no friends.
    • 2022 September 14, MacaroniPoodle, “Derek Johnson: Rising Q-Star”, in Reddit[34], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      I've been spying on this guy for a while. He posts hours long rants and tells people he has super special intel because he used to be in the military. The Qcumbers are falling all over themselves with this new "source." I've especially noticed older women clinging to him.
    • 2022 September 14, countrysurprise, “Man arrested with 3 loaded guns wearing a clown wig, says he was out to restore King Trump and kill Liberals”, in Reddit[35], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      I wish all Qcumbers/Trumptards would wear clown wigs for quick and easy identification.
    • 2022 September 14, fitzymcfitz, “Q . . . or Anon . . . not QAnon”, in Reddit[36], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      2nd commenters right, it is a great way to test for qucumbers- if they give you that “Q and anons” bullshit, you’re talking to a Qanon.
      Also, always call them Qanons, it drives them insane (as OP demonstrates)!
    • 2022 September 14, Chaaaaaaaarles, “Someone pointing out how far those goalposts have been moved!”, in Reddit[37], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-15:
      The anti-vax bullshit and the related idea of "MedBeds" are two topics I will yield no ground on should i happen across a Qcumber.
    • 2022 September 15, Johnny_Nongamer, “Qanon: Trump is still president! Also Qanon:”, in Reddit[38], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-16:
      Either this Qcumber is an utter moron, or he just admitted that his fantasy world is a mere fantasy.
    • 2022 September 23, flaskman, “You wanna know what’s “HABBENING “ Trump is full on pandering to a fringe lunatic cult for the sole purpose of getting people killed when he gets indicted. That’s it ..that’s the game plan.”, in Reddit[39], Qult_Headquarters, archived from the original on 2022-09-24:
      Except by all accounts the Qcumbers have decidedly shallower pockets