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Citations:Pithecanthropi erecti

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English citations of Pithecanthropi erecti

  • 1914, George Allan England, Darkness and Dawn, chapter XX: “The Curiosity of Eve”, page 114
    “In a million years, or so,” the engineer continued, “may not the descendants of these things once more be men, or something very like them? In other words, aren’t we possibly witnessing the recreation of the human type? Aren’t these the real Pithecanthropi erecti, rather than the brown-skinned, reddish-haired creatures of the biological text-books? There’s our problem!”
  • 1933, The Bookman, page 403
    Throughout there is a wholesale disregard of brains and culture; these heroes need never know which decade was mauve, because they fought and mastered by muddling when they were Pithecanthropi erecti.
  • 1955, Archives of Criminal Psychodynamics, page 231
    But there must have been at one time many Pithecanthropi erecti and thousands of Neanderthal men.
  • 1996, Jon Tuska and Vicki Piekarski, The Max Brand Companion, page 485
    After enduring unspeakable hardships, they at last reach the immense hidden valley and find that it is actually inhabited by a race of Pithecanthropi erecti (erect apes).
  • 2001 December 4th, Jonathan Edwards, Why women should not be allowed to smoke
    But now there is peril of their being allowed to smoke, to usurp the place and traditional privilege of man ever since our forefathers were Homines neanderthalenses and Pithecanthropi erecti.
  • (Can we date this quote?), The Delta Upsilon (ΔΥ) Fraternity, The Delta Upsilon Quarterly, page 167
    […] This is the forest primeval. The Pithecanthropi erecti,
    Bearded with whiskers and in garments none, indistinct in the twilight,
    Stand like apes of the woods, with chatterings vague but effective,
    Stand as become the progenitors of noble latter-day statesmen,
    Framing the by-laws of nations not heard of but sure of creation; […]
  • (Can we date this quote?), Emmett Jarrett and Ron Schreiber, Things, page 27
    I feel sure the Pithecanthropi erecti had their Giant Venus Flytrap Street as much as the Romans and their Via Ilicis and Vicus Querci, as…