2008 March 5, DeserTBoB [username], “Re: BREAKING: "Obamomentum" is finished; Hillary taking Texas now”, in alt.politics.democrats[1] (Usenet):
The Obamatards can't seem to figure that one out.
2008 May 24, JTEM [username], “Re: How dishonesty is done”, in alt.atheism[2] (Usenet):
Who do you think you're fooling, other than other Obamatards?
2008 June 14, trippin-2-8-track [username], “Re: Charlie Nudo, battered right wing schizoid, has gone insane and on psycho medication, obsessed with Ebay auctions”, in alt.politics[3] (Usenet):
so that makes you a self-admitted "Obamatard"
2008 September 12, J. Hugh Sullivan, “Re: "Lipstick on a Pig"”, in rec.sport.football.college[4] (Usenet):
Hooray for you Obamatard.
2009 March 28, Fred Oinka, “Re: Earth Hour”, in alt.politics.democrats[5] (Usenet):
Another koolaid drinking Obamatard gives himself away.
2010 January 14, Frito Pendejo, “Re: Arms are for hugging”, in alt.philosophy[6] (Usenet):
When I was in San Francisco it seemed that every goddamn Obamatard was also a fanatical opponent of Prop. 8 (i.e. a supporter of same-sex marriage). Which would be fine, except that Obama had publicly stated his opposition to same-sex marriage.
2010 November 17, Dänk 666 [username], “Re: The Primary Aim Of Modern Warfare - George Orwell”, in alt.politics[7] (Usenet):
This collective mindset could be seen in the 2008 election, where it was discovered that trying to argue with Obamatards was futile.