English citations of Nazareite
- 1557, The Bible and Holy Scriptures Conteyned in the Olde and Newe Teſtament, New Testament (1560), Matthewe II.23 (page 3/1):
- And went and dwelt in a citie called Nazaret, that it might be fulfilled which was ſpoken by the Prophetes, which was, That he ſhulde be called a Nazarite.
- 1609, The Holy Bible faithfully tranſlated into Engliſh out of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages, Old Testament (1635 reprint), volume I (Genesis–Job), Numeri 6:18–21 (pages 320–321):
- Then ſhal the Nazareite be ſhauen before the dore of the tabernacle of couenant, from the buſh of the haire of his conſecration: and he ſhal take his haires, and lay them vpon the fire, that is put vnder the ſacrifice of pacifikes. And a ſhoulder of the ramme boyled, and one cake without leuen out of the basket, and one wafer vnleuened, and he ſhal deliuer them into the hands of the Nazareite, after that his head be ſhauen. And receiuing them againe from him, he ſhal eleuate them in the ſight of the Lord: and being ſanctified they ſhal be the Prieſts, as the breaſt, which was commanded to be ſeparated, and the ſhoulder. After theſe things the Nazareite may drinke wine. This is the law of the Nazareite, when he ſhal vow his oblation to the Lord in the time of his conſecration, beſsides thoſe things which his hand ſhal find, according to that which he had vowed in his mind, ſo ſhal he doe to the fulfilling of his ſanctification.